Author has written 11 stories for Romance, Love, General, and Life. Bonjour. My name is Natrieifia. I've been writing since I was little and have always had a very vivid imagination. I love writing because it helps me express whatever feelings I may be going through without having to speak them into existance. Even though I've been writing for a while I still can't spell and my grammar is very lacking. My friends help me out though. (even when I don't want it) I'm 19, as of September 2010. My deviantart account name is: ~InLoveWithAShadow, don't really log on much. Myspace: /angelstar244 Gaiaonline: Natrieifia Look me up and leave me comments. Hmmm let's see what else...Oh yeah. Fave Colour: Orange then Green, Silver, and Gold in that order. Fave Movie (at the moment): P.S. I Love You Fave Music: Anything really except Country and heavy Rap with horrible lyrics Fave Show: Shimmy and some other things that I can't think of right now Fave Author: Too many to count but Christine Feehan, Stephanie Meyers, J.R. Ward and Nora Roberts are at the top Fave Books: Definately not going to touch that list What I want to do with my life: I want to double major in Psychology and Art Fave Animal: Wolf and Black Leopard/Panther are equal Check out my friend: littletaintedone (She's an awesome writer.) Most of my poems come from the confusion and dark abyss that is my mind. My stories are also from ideas that reside there. I hope that whoever reads them enjoys themselves. Please comment I love reading them and will respond back. :) If you took the time to read all this thank you. |