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Joined 01-17-07, id: 553300
Author has written 1 story for Romance.

Hello My Name Is DeAnna not Dakota lol i just love that name.

Um i just started this acount how ever my first story i have posted on FictionPress well it's been through alot i brought it to four English Teachers asking them if that like it they do but my grammer could be better lol. All of my friends have read it and every single one of them have fallen in love with Zeth. I'm not joking...

Anyways i hope you enjoy it now a little about me of yeah before i do that just know that Ignore him and he will go away...eventuly has a sequel and maybe even turned into a trilogy. And If you want to be nive Message me and send me pictures of what you think that characters look like THANKS!!

Name: DeAnna

Color: Blue and Black

State: Minnisota

Likes to: Read

Hate to: Do

Friends: to many to count

Age: 15 (almost 16!!!!)

Dream: To write or teach or become a consler

Bad at: Spelling

Good at: Writting (Well i like to think so anyway...)

Ignore him and he will go away eventuly reviews
I'm perfect and i hate it no i don't mean robot perfect but close. And not my Mom is leaving the country. My friend is jelous cause Adam hottest guy is talking to me asking which floor i want to live on...WAIT what! And what is with that white haired guy
Fiction: Romance - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 13 - Words: 10,877 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 7 - Follows: 2 - Published: 1/22/2007 - Complete