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Joined 01-29-07, id: 554877

Name: Brittni Kaylin Edwards

Age: 11 ( You beta believe it suckas!!!)

Books: Twilight-Tales of a forth grade nothing- Delta Search- Whisper in the dark

Telivison: Fosters home- Smallville- Hannah Montana- SpongeBob- iCarly -Drake and Josh-

Moives: Pirates of the carribean 1-3- Back to the future- When a stranger calls- Lord of the rings- The nightmare before christmas- Corpse bride- Charlie and the chocolate factory-

Music: My chemical romance- fall out boy- green day- paramore- the used- puddle of mudd- panic at the disco- 30 seconds to mars- AFI- HIM- Evanesence- White stripes- Three days grace- flyleaf- breaking benjamin- creed- 3 doors down

Actors/actresses: Johnny Depp- Orlando Bloom- Keira Knightly- Micheal J Fox- Jared Leto- Micheal Seater-Gorge cloony- Harrison Ford- Miley Cyrus- Emily Osment- Frankie Munez- Elisha Wood...