Strawberry Puddings
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Joined 02-12-07, id: 556640, Profile Updated: 02-06-09
Author has written 1 story for Romance.

An Introduction To Us!

Hello there! We (as in there's two of us) co-write stories. I go by the name of Stina Fishy-Flaptail and the other author goes by the name of Jibblet. We both have separate accounts which you can visit by either going into the favourite authors bit at the bottom of the page or by clicking on these links. My account is 'Kitty Puff' and Jibblet's is 'brutalromance'. Jibblet has also published a whole whopping ONE chapter of a story on her account. Go read it if you want and forever be intrigued but never satisfied 'cause she never updates the freaken goddamned story! -_-

Any who. The two of us have so far begun writing one story, as I'm sure all of you are smart enough to know. If you don't want to scroll down to the bottom of the page to read the story, we offer you an easy way to be lazy and click on this link: Strawberry Punk.

Since you're all so bloody smart you'll all also know this is our only story in progress. We do however have other stories planned, but they won't be published until our current project is finished.


And a little warning to any copycats out there. We don't claim our story to be so good that someone would want to steal it in the first place, but if we discover that anyone has had the absurd notion to plagiarised our work we will remove the story. Whether we choose to put it back up again or not depends on our moods and level offorgiveness. So the moral of this warning is "Don't steal other people's efforts."

What Is A Starwberry Punk?

Now...I have taken note of the fact that quite a few people are somewhat baffled as to what a Strawberry Punk is...Well I dont blame ya! 'Cause so am I. If you must know I completely made them up one unusually tedious Maths lesson, many moons ago. I dreamt up the title "strawberry punk" and deemed it a worthy lable for punk/hippy hybrids. I'm not entirely sure as how to describe a strawberry punk though but I'll give it a go...

To my knowledge strawberry punks are pretty much punks mellowed down (a lot). They have spunky, bubbly attitudes (as many ordinary punks may do) and are generally well known for being very good mooded and shy (which sort of contradicts the spunky description a little...). They usually wear anything that punks wear but without dark agressive colours (not to say that punks always wear dark aggressive colours of course).

The girls are more likely seen wearing hot pinks, light reds, blues and yellows. The guys mostly wear greens, blues, yellows, reds. Black doesn't tend to be on their list of favourites. In the story (what we call) the ordinary punks don't appreciate the presence strawberry punks too much because they rather often perceive them as wusses, whores and ninnies (guys included). If a strawberry punk were indeed to follow the profession of a prostitute they'd probably claim that they were 'offering a source of comfort' rather than 'offering their bodies'. Now don't get the wrong idea not all strawberry punks are hookers (especially not our leading strawberry punk. She's a bit of a prude...).

Well there you go. A description for all the lost little lambs out there...

Now if you do read our story we humbly ask you leave reviews so that we can improve our writing and story. Reviews are like acid to us. Fuel the addiction. It makes us happy and high!


Don't expect regular updates, they will undoubtedly come eratically. We write when we feel like it and when we have time. We do have priorities. Strawberry punk is not our top one.

The Other Author

If the other half of the author chooses to write on this little page thingy, you will know because this sentence will be not here and she will type in bold lettering (understand Jibblet? Delete this and type in bold and not in italics).


Oh and isn't it so exciting? I've figured out how to put in links, as demonstrated above! I'm so happy! Now there's all sorts of things I can do with this new talent! Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Like put up links to pictures! Yaaaaaaay! You all get to see what Void and Seona look like like...eventually...when I find the time (or energy) to post pictures where ever.

What ever. Have fun. Read our story. Enjoy life. And most strawberries. They are god's gift to human kind. Remember that!

Strawberry Punk reviews
She's a Strawberry Punk and He's a hardcore punk. She has an apology complex and he has anti salutation syndrome. She's shy and he's just plain arrogant. A perfect match...don't you think?
Fiction: Romance - Rated: T - English - Humor/Drama - Chapters: 18 - Words: 38,430 - Reviews: 53 - Favs: 36 - Follows: 37 - Updated: 2/17/2009 - Published: 2/16/2007