Mindshadow Productions
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Joined 02-19-07, id: 557483
Author has written 1 story for Sci-Fi.

Hello everyone,

OK, I'm a computer datawarehouse analyst/programmer, who sidelines as a wannabe fiction writer. Previous to this series, I wrote (mostly) anime fanfiction, and published a couple of doujinshi that probably no one has ever heard of (Kimagure Orange College, Sailor Ranma).

Currently, I'm a fan of comic books, science-fiction, movies, MMRPGs (and computer games in general). I also follow politics, sports, and technology.

Update 6/6/2007 (thank Heaven this isn't a year ago...): Haven't been as active this last couple of weeks due to work ramping up (imagine that; my company actually expects me to produce...:(), but I will be restarting soon. For starters, I'd like to go ahead and do a write up of my story here (one of my long-time reviewers (you know who you are) suggests that A/Ns really don't belong embedded in stories themselves and since fictionpress.com doesn't permit "info chapters", I'll include it here). I'm also planning on getting back to reviewing more stuff, especially in the Pay it Forward C2s.

A couple of notes about my story (this is for those of you who are interested in this sort of stuff).

Project Mindshadow: The main character started off as a table-top RPG character, which later evolved (or devolved if you prefer) into a PBEM. In that PBEM, she ended up a villain in a super-hero campaign, which lasted for a couple of years and generated a few web-published stories that I hope no one here ever finds (if you think the fictionpress.com version is a tad "Mary-Sue", you ain't seen nothing yet...). After that group pewtered out, one of the PBEM architects suggested that the char would make a more interesting sympathetic person, than a self-centered amoral sociopath.

A couple of things I'd like to say about this story: Yes, this is a superhero comic-book story. If the idea of people lifting cars or flying w/o a jetpack makes you itch, then this might not be the story for you. The central theme of the story though isn't "gee, isn't this cool". It's more about my perceptions on how controlling members of the modern government would react to such disruption to society. It's about how large faceless interests would do anything to protect their status quo and preservation of power, regardless to the detriment of any perceived "greater good". There's also a sidebar about freewill vs predestiny, though trying to get the two to "collide" properly is proving challenging to coordinate/juggle.

Inspirations: Anyone who's read comic books in the last 30 years should be able to easily pick up some of, if not all, the ones that inspire the story elements. That said, I'm also trying to borrow quite a bit of conspiracy fiction (most notably Stephen King's "evil government" novels), so to the reviewer who said that the main character's Constitutional rights were being trampled, well, yes, there are some exaggerations about runaway ruthlessly controlling government/corporate agencies, but IMO, less exaggerated than most people like to think about.

Anyway, more to come...

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Elite fighters have been recruited for the sole purpose of suppressing the technology of GOD. If the forbidden technology falls into the wrong hands... A new evil will arise, one which will saturate the world with endless suffering. I RETURN REVIEWS.
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Project Mindshadow reviews
A young girl's normal life turns upside down when she finds out that she has unusual psychic abilities and her entire life is a government conspiracy to use those powers for a hidden agenda of world domination. UPDATE: REVISED FROM REVIEWS.
Fiction: Sci-Fi - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Adventure - Chapters: 11 - Words: 48,718 - Reviews: 59 - Favs: 16 - Follows: 13 - Updated: 7/16/2007 - Published: 2/22/2007