Meh... welcome to my profile? I'm not really sure what I'm suppose to say... Well, I'm 13 years old. I have brown hair. And blah blah blah. I am currentlly addicted to FlyFF again. _ Which is an online rpg game? Not sure, no one rpgs there anyways... I enjoy reading Harry Potter Fanfics, ones where Harry is a smartass/badass or something where he doesn't worship Dumbledork =3 I currentlly have my head stuck into FictionPress's Romance Section, though I do enjoy the fantasy genre here and there. (Mediveal is so cool! Even if I can't spell it for shit. =P) Zum, I love lurking forums xD. Mostly because I don't have an account to post with, because I'm too lazy... I might start reviewing to stories that I read.. but dunno all you might get is a "I LEIK =3 UR STOrY iT isH sO lEiK aWeSoMe!!!!!!#!$21Z$ZR#" um.. that took more effort than using correct spelling and grammer. o_0 I really am hopeless aren't I? Mmm. I'm currently in the 8th grade. It's a small school... and it's retarded =P. But I "love" coughcough it anyways, eh? My favorite subject is um.. dunno! I forgot . Maybe history or literature? I'm not sure if I'll be writing anything... so dunno. I did have this little rogue fantasy idea but I'm really not sure . I would love to read any of your romance ect. fics. So feel free to message me if you want... I usually like reading Humour Romance for some reason though. Meh, me ish weird. Well ttyl. March 9. 2007 |