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Joined 03-09-07, id: 559527, Profile Updated: 10-14-14
Author has written 7 stories for General, and Romance.

October 14 2014 - Optimism for Beginner's edited, all content replaced with edited versions of chapters and new Chapter 4 up. New story (The Princess and the Pea(nis)) up Chapters 1 and 2.

Edit: I have put up the ending to ATC again :) I hope that makes everyone's lives a little easier.

October 13 2014

Hello everyone. It's been a very long time, hasn't it? Life has a funny way of destroying writers, doesn't it?

I haven't written a full story since ATC ended close to six years ago. I still write here and there but its mostly for RP pieces. I am working on some new stuff but I don't know if I have the heart to release it for public scrutiny. Writing ATC was an amazing experience but I'm a terribly sensitive person; it was difficult to write for an audience and try to write to please other people. I don't know if I'm cut out to be a writer, after all. I love it and will always write for myself but I'll see what the future brings for me.

If anyone is curious, I completed University with a BA in psychology and now work as an Insurance Broker :) I'm looking to buy a house this fall/winter with my best friend and when I get a little more time at my job, I will be finally (finally!) getting a dog of my own. Haven't been able to have a dog for the past almost two years (since I moved out and of course didn't get to take my parents' dogs with me :) ) and am so looking forward to it.

I hope everyone is doing well. I miss everyone here. To those who messaged me in the past few years, thank you. You made me so incredibly happy. It's difficult for me to explain how much those messages meant to me.

I am not active on Livejournal and will probably put the ending of ATC back up here. The original plan had been to get closer to readers by putting my work on a friend-locked Livejournal site but I see now it was foolish. I should have just left everything up here for you guys. I realize it was nothing but irritating for everyone but please know I had the best intentions at heart. I wanted to know my readers personally and listen to what they wanted to read.

Error-Author- Commonly known as ‘Kayla’

Order: Writer

Family: Fiction

Species: Man-love


Born on January 5, 1989, this particular ErrorAuthor goes by the real name of Kayla. She continues to reside in her birth place of Manitoba, Canada.

She took a real interest in fiction in 2004. Since then, her interest in the hobby has increased exponentially until it becoming what it is today: A strange obsession.

Oddly enough, the writing has slightly warped her mind- even so far as to allow her to believe she may one day make a living out of her writing. Researchers, however, know from other studied cases that writers who follow this outlandish belief often perish under bridges, huddled in cardboard boxes, chewing on old shoes for sustenance. The lack of income they tend to experience is often their downfall- following their craft loyally to the bitter end.


Disclaimers: Unrealistic happenings, mysterious lacks of plot, dodgy characters, a suspicious lack of female characters, a surplus of homosexual romance, often confusing proceedings, uneven chapter lengths, disappearing secondary characters, people with issues, odd male PMS, stuttering, and quite a lot of gay.

Warning: May cause nosebleeds, squealing, character attachment, and/or itchy, tired eyes. The author does not endorse an unhealthy lack of bathroom breaks and uneven nutrition/hydration while reading. Not for the following people types: Ignorant, Close-Minded Types, Homophobes, Younger Audiences, Older Audiences, and Caffeine-Sensitive Individuals.

I appreciate any criticism and will do my best to fix anything suggested. Drop me an email if you like ( error_author@ )

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Optimism For Beginners reviews
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The Princess and the Pea(nis) reviews
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A Softer Sin reviews
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The Letter reviews
A oneshot that I wrote for a Valentines Day Contest. It tied for first . Not a happy story, but one that made the judges sniffle. Inspired by a little wreath of blue plastic flowers in a ditch.
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