Author has written 4 stories for Romance. I've started up a blog/website thing since I need a way to centralize all my writing. For the most part, I'm posting all my stuff on fictionpress, but I will probably blog random things about myself when I remember. So you should go to my site and tell me what you wanna see me blog about. Or whatever floats your boat, I guess. Also, I'm on Twitter with few followers. Pity me? Follow me @DarkRhodion (did I totally steal a name from one of my characters? You bet I did!) I write urban fantasy lesbian stories just... because I can? I'm in college now and all the next updates are all work in progresses. I write because I enjoy it and it's stress relief. Besides, if others can enjoy it too, then it's worth putting up on the internet. "Dusk" has been finished which means it's time for me to work on rewriting an older series, "The Exorcist and the Demon" (or EatD) series. That means I'm taking down all my old stories. If you enjoyed them and are upset at me for taking them down... them I'm sorry in advance. I hope that the rewrites are pleasing enough for you to forget me taking down my old stories! If you were in the middle of one of them or I totally wrecked your life by taking something down, PM me and I should be able to rectify the situation. Also, I changed my pen name! Crazy, right? So if you're concerned by it, don't worry. I just needed a change from being slayergirl13 for so long is all. And I wanted to sound mature and fancy and shtuff. I'm a big girl now! ...and have been a big girl for awhile, technically, but no one needs to know that. |