Author has written 1 story for Romance. Hiya guys! Just thought I'd write a bit about myself so ya know what sort of weirdo writes the stories you like to read. Well there's not much to say to be perfectly honest. I'm British through and through so many, if not all of my stories will be based in the UK since I really don't have a clue what goes on within the American culture, o any other culture for that matter. I'm not going to say how old I am but I'm old enough to feel I've experienced life and I'm young enough to know there are so many other things out there to move me and inspire me. I'm still studying so many of my stories my be put on hold for a while whilst I catch up on the massive amount of work. I don't know what I'm going to do with my life yet and so writing is just one of the many avenues that I'm looking into. And that's all your getting folks becuase I'm pretty quiet about my own life! Now onto the lives of my characters. Stories: 1. The Hell of Love- Brought up into a life of prostitution, Cara thought her life had ended when she was finally put into jail. Only then did her rescuer come. Rubbish sumary! |
awaitinglove (7) | Myrika (18) |