Author has written 4 stories for General, and Romance. Want to know something about lovely-lonely? Eva is my pseudonym and I like to use it along with my pen-name. Although I'm thinking about changing it soon... I'm eighteen years old, neurotic, psychotic, somewhat violent, mostly incoherent and I have a tendency to be relatively impulsive - which is both good and bad depending on how you look at it. I'm currently attending a college in the U.S. Have fun tracking me down, stalkers. :P So far, I've been a weird hiatus from writing because of well, writer's block, but I'm back. I never really gave up on my writing, I just ... couldn't write for a while. It was incredibly frustrating, but alas, I think I got the blockage out of my system. Um, so basically I love to write - romance in particular. And I've grown up since the last time you saw this profile page. Not as much in the area of maturity, but I'm eighteen after all. There's plenty of time to grow up, and for me? Well, I choose to just cling onto my childhood as long as I can and someone can pull me into the cold, harsh world of reality with my nails digging into the dirt while I'm on the ground kicking and screaming. Did I mention I'm psychotic? Mmhmm. |