Author has written 3 stories for Fantasy, General, and Romance. Hi this is Bella and Shirley This is a shared account if you haven't figured it out already. For some strange reason, if you are hooked on one or maybe more of our stories, please don't kill us for: 1. Not updating 2.Not finishing the story 3.Deleting the story in the end anyways (not very likely) 4.Not updating fast enough 5. And anything else you can hold against us This is done mainly in school but no one knows that so if you could keep that hush and your stories will keep coming. Get our school to block the site and the above 5 will surely happen. BTW, we're Australian so our spelling is not wrong, its just different from Americans for example color, colour. This is an exception if Bella types alone and doesn't spell check. |
0.0 NightRiders 0.0 (17) A. Nicole (0) AlyKat (3) atreyu love (0) BellezAzul (13) boredshitless (4) cashew (11) | Clavel (41) DancingChaChaFruit (24) Flawless Storm (26) GermanSam (8) Jenina (10) LadyOfLiterature (6) Lulai (4) Mistress-K99 (2) | Nereids (3) No-One's-Hero (1) RockFan (30) SLigHtLy FrEaKisH (12) Tatiana Moore (1) templeton21 (13) xoxluurve (24) |