The Green One
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Joined 04-22-07, id: 565133, Profile Updated: 05-27-15
Author has written 3 stories for Fantasy.

Hi! I'm Gideon Jones

I've been writing for over a decade now. I write for fun. I'm currently back after yet another unplanned hiatus from this site. I'm in the midst of two stories write now, both of which I have a fair amount of blacklog for, so my updating schedule should be pretty regular.

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Tumblr: TheGidz Gideon Jones
DeviantART: TheGreeninator

Current stories

Vampire: the Mastquerade - Toronto Chronicles

I've been toying with this one for a while now, bouncing ideas around in my head. This isn't strictly based on any of the V:tM media out there, it's just set in that Whitewolf World of Darkness setting.

Toronto Chronicles takes place, as you might imagine, in the city of Toronto. Patricia Brosnen, a stock broker working in the city's financial district, has just had her entire world flipped upside down by her introduction into the world of the night. Embraced into the inner courts of Toronto Kindred politics, she's both sought after for her skills and disposition, and reviled for her unfortunate heritage. Worse yet, she's truly insane, mistakenly sired by a Malkavian, and cursed - or depending on your point of view, girted - with insanity for as long as her blood sustains her. Her exploits introduce her to a varied cast of characters. From the high and regal Prince Sebastian, to the gruff and tumble foundling Jay, or the blind artist Helena. Patricia must not only survive the often deadly machinations of Toronto's Camarilla courts, she must also carve her own path through her insanity, and navigate the power struggles of the local Sabbat and Anarch factions as well.

Updates: A new chapter every Monday.

Nerella the Calm

This one takes place roughly two decades after a heavily PC-modded version of Skyrim. It's an adaptation of a National Novel Writing Month project I did last year, based heavily on the events that take place after my most-played playthrough of Skyrim.

Branwe has lived his whole life in the soft, relative comfort of a Vineyard between Skingraad and the Imperial City. There has been labour in his life, but his family has always been well off enough to hire the help they need. Still, he's always dreamt of being a bard, and studying in the Bard's College in Solitude. The acceptance rates for the Bard's College haven't changed in many years, and more and more applicants have come forward, making it a truly competitive environment. To even be considered for a place within its walls, Branwe must prove he's up to the task. To this end, he sets out to kind the real story behind Nerella the Calm, one of Skyrim's greatest heroes, especially in recent memory. He meets Runa Fair-Shield, Nerella's daughter, to find what he needs, but she ends up taking him on the adventure of a lifetime instead. What they stumble upon along the way is a story in itself.

Updates: A new chapter every Wednesday.

Other stories
I have plans in the near future (maybe the next couple of weeks, maybe the next month) to try to get the Virtue Series going again. It's a difficult story to write for, mostly because the parts of it that really interested me were trying to deal with how foreign everything was to Vervourhyan coming to the surface. From language, to everything under the sun. I sort of rushed to get those parts over with, though, so the actual plot I had planned for could start going, but then I lost interest. So I'm doing a rework of my planning phase on that one to try to strike the balance I'd lost. In the mean time, the three existing chapters may lose some of their cannon to make room for new changes, but realistically that's the case with most all of the stories I've posted up online at one point or another; retconning things to make sense until you have a whole cohesive plot, you know. So anyway, keep an eye out for that, if the Virtue Series was something that interested you at any point.


I'm trying to get good cover art for some of my active stories, as well as my own website going, to host all of my work together. If anyone has a lead that would help me out with this, or wants to lend their expertise to the cause, feel free to PM me. As always, thank you for your continued readership; I read every review, and am grateful whenever someone takes the time to leave one. Hope you enjoy my work as much as I enjoy making it!

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

The Virtue Series
Chien stumbles onto an unlikely horror at a young age, though slowly discovers that sometimes the things we fear most become our greatest assets. As Chien learns more about the drow, Vervourhyan, their adventures and friendship provide both of them purpose, and clarity through the difficult trials of forging one's own identity in a world fraught with danger.
Fiction: Fantasy - Rated: M - English - Friendship/Drama - Chapters: 4 - Words: 20,909 - Updated: 9/20/2014 - Published: 8/29/2014
NaNoWriMo story for 07. Ami is a werewolf hunter in good standing, but fate is about to toss a terrible burden her way. Will she be able to handle it?
Fiction: Fantasy - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 53,356 - Favs: 1 - Published: 5/9/2010 - Complete
Icon of Firsson (Suspended) reviews
Kelnianne was ready. She was ready to face her dreams head on and become a solder, with glory and combat. She was ready for the magic swords, the praise from townsfolk, and the heat of battle. Even if it's not quite what she expected, she's still ready [This story indefinitely suspended]
Fiction: Fantasy - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 2 - Words: 5,580 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 2 - Updated: 5/2/2007 - Published: 4/25/2007 - Complete