Author has written 1 story for Romance. I am an english aficionada from Northern California. Yes. I suppose there other more serious subjects for me to be writing about. But serious subjects are required enough outside of my free time for me to even bother touching upon. So I thought I'd do my part to better the reputation of a less respectable form of art that is often better known on FictionPress for being poorly written (i.e. bad grammer and incorrect spelling). I have taken it upon myself to make available a higher quality of naughty literature sans the incompetent approach that makes a reader feel guilty enough. Besides, I'm sure you guys are thrilled that I didn't choose to focus my efforts on advancing the genres of science fiction or fantasy. As of June 24, 2007, after a brief slump, I am back! Finally the inspiration to write has returned to me and I have just uploaded the seventh installment of my 'Chronicles'. Thank you so much for all the support and the positive feedback. As always, I accept and encourage suggestions or requests and will continue to write more regularly. ATTENTION: I am officially back from all vacations and plan on staying home for the rest of the summer. So to commemorate my return I have for you an eighth chapter, this time dedicated to my reader TwinkleHeart who requested a rain scene. Hope it satisfies. |