Author has written 1 story for Essay. Hello. I am the Eastern Collector, the second account of another author on this site (cough! check favorite authors! cough!). I exist for the sole purpose of my C2, Doorways, which is a collection of the more unorthodox and creative speculative fiction on this site. I am currently looking for both authors and stories, so feel free to recomend any that you see/write. Thank you! Note: I meant to also add to the C2 Science Fiction set in an undorthodox setting: a planet. That is to say, Sci-Fi without the space opera aspects. Because the C2 doesn't accept that, I'll be putting stories that fit that designation in my 'favorite stories'. Requirements for the C2: The story must not have a setting reminiscant of Middle Ages Europe. Examples of this setting (many of them quite good, but still examples) are Lord of the Rings, Dragonlance, Redwall, The Two Princesses of Bamarre by Gail Carson Levine, C.J. Cherryth's Fortess in the Eye of Time, Eragon by Christopher Paolini, and When Dragons Rule by R.V. Salitz. That should give you and idea what I'm talking about. Three further areas I'm hesitant about: Humor, 'Urban' fantasy, and Japanease-esque settings. As most humor is mocking your typical Middle-age setting anyway, I don't think that will cause a problem, and as for the second two: there's no reason why I shouldn't allow them in, but anything involving ninjas will need some darn good writing to impress me. The hesitation of 'urban' is really my own prejudice and I shall try to overcome it. |