Author has written 7 stories for Fantasy, and General. This account acts as the repository for the Lamentable One's poor quality efforts at fiction. Update - 03-05-2012 In a break from tradition, a non-fantasy story (the very fact of that inspiring the name). And I remain not dead, but with the writing speed of someone who is. About me / the stories here. From time to time, when the mood takes me, I like to work on various works of fiction, despite my lack of talent as a writer. These stories by and large are for my own amusement, and have little forward planning other than a basic premise that pops into my mind. As such, I make them up as I go along, and they usually trail off into nothing. As a warning, if you want a cohesive plot that goes somewhere, or even some form of resolution, the stories here are really, really not for you. Currently, I have about twenty of these fics in 'development' (where development means they have at least a start, and occasionally I add a bit) and I be upload a few of them here. Updates are random, mostly to stories not posted here for various reasons, and glacially slow. The stories themselves are all* set in fantasy environments of my own invention, and they generally contain lesbian themes. Or at least they would, were I ever to get that far. My personal preference for these sort of stories, and so the type I (attempt) to write involve the slow development of relationships over time, which generally requires some length. A length I've consistently failed to reach in the years this profile has been active. Go me. .* mostly Story Notes (Preliminary titles). Strangers Together. Spellseer. A Chant For Those Gone. A Merchant's Whim. Second Chances. The Shadow Beneath. Not Her Fantasy. |