Ok, let's see... I will write a bio even though I'm not planning on posting stories anytime soon, but who knows? This bio is mostly for myself = Umm, I started reading stories on fictionpress about four years ago, more or less, after graduating from Quizilla, where I would read tons of super sappy, teenaged, romantic stories. Some of them were really well-written (as opposed to the usual sarcastic, emo blather) and I noticed that most of the more mature writers also had accounts on fictionpress or were leaving Quizilla for fictionpress. So I eventually decided to check it out and discovered that a lot of these stories are much better and more mature. Although it kinda sucks that fictionpress doesn't have a highest commented or most popular list like Quizilla = Anywho, I continued reading heterosexual romantic stories until one day I stumbled upon a little story called "Skye" by kristalyn, which basically changed my life. I had no idea it was gay (I didn't know what slash meant) and was just sucked in by the great writing and plot. And thus.. an addiction was born. One that would consume my life for the next four years. No, but seriously, since then I have not stopped reading slash stories on fictionpress and have never returned to reading hetero stories again (at least on fictionpress). So there you have it. I think it's pretty much your basic "how i got started on slash" story. All of the stories on my favorites list are fucking awesome and should immediately be checked out. They're all well-written (I think) with witty, engaging plots and yeah...READ THEM. (My fav authors list is questionable though, I should really go through that) I have a really bad habit of reading stories and alerting/favoriting but not reviewing and I'm trying to change that around because I think it's unfair to the wonderful authors. So, my 2011 New Year's Resolution is to review everything I read, and the stories I have read and enjoyed in the past. And of course it's always a joy when an author writes me back ;) But I don't feel offended when they don't. And that's all I have to say for now.. Cheers! |
Abstruse Blue (3) Blue GhostGhost (8) Calico Trayce (14) Chantrea Johari (5) Collar de Espinas (16) d'Neronique (16) Dead Fridays (0) diebyownhands (19) Dirty-Angel-Toes (5) Dr. Pepper 14 (13) | Electric Romance (23) failte200 (8) fragmented blue (0) gummybaby (5) Happy Hippie (8) heart race (0) hi-tanner85 (5) iSee (5) Jumping Jack Flash (27) kolgrim (4) lgandt (4) | magalina (0) magGE (3) SerialXLain (4) tiny lights (0) write-this-down (4) xanthofile (73) |