![]() Retiring my FP account but leaving it up in case anyone wants to get in touch. If you ever read my stories, thank you a million. I saved each one of your reviews.
Music is a big part of my writing. That's why you will find lyrics in the beginning of every chapter. I usually have one or two certain songs that speak to me about the characters or what's going on, so putting it in the chapter is just to share something that helped me see the characters. I do read a lot of things here on Fictionpress. There's a lot of creativity going around, but your story has to call out to me. I don't do "read mine and I'll read yours". I'm a perfectionist. Hard to believe sometimes, but yes, I am. If I paid attention to it, I would never post anything because I always say, "My writing isn't ready." I go back to Lullaby of the Unknown and sometimes cringe at it. It's the story I have the most readers for, but I do cringe at some things because I was fourteen when I started it. Yet, I love it with all my heart. So much, that I can't let it go. And I keep editing it. Reviews, every writer loves them! Being good or bad! So please do review if you read my stories. Story Status: Lullaby of the Unknown- I hold this one close to my heart. Completed. Currently re-editing. (I'm always editing) A Painted Symphony- Sequel to Lullaby of the Unknown. Completed. Currently editing. Stylish Nights With Gibsons- I'm excited for this story after dancing with the idea of it for years in my head. There's been a lot of versions of it that I planned out to write. Let's just hope this one that I'm writing is the best one. Plagiarism I see a lot of authors here on FP that had their beautiful work plagiarised. THE ORIGINAL WRITER EVENTUALLY FINDS OUT! BE SMARTER AND CREATE YOUR OWN WORK BEFORE YOU GET SUED! I have had this account for years, and I have every email to every entry I have ever posted, among other things. Don't go there. |