Author has written 4 stories for Romance, Fantasy, Action, and Historical. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. Finished Works: Queensguard, My Epiphany, Retainer (Currently in process of rewriting) In editing process: Queen of Blades Works In Progress: Ite Ad Infernos, Retainer, Desolate, The Football, Shadow's Grip (Prequel to Queensguard), Infiltrator Much of my writing is action/adventure based, though I'm told I'm a better romance writer. It often takes me longer then it should to write my stories, since I typically only write once my ideas are fully formed. As such, it is likely that at least some of the stories you see in my WIP line will never be finished. If you want to talk to me about my writing, your writing, writing in general, or if you would like me to edit your shorter works, please, contact me on my AIM identity 'Hunter Requiem.' If you would like to edit some of my work, please, contact me. Spammers will have their computers hacked, and their text documents irrevocably translated into Swahili. If you are looking at this page because I have reviewed your work, please, do not take what I have written about your writing negatively. ALL of my reviews are designed to give stylistic, grammatical, and or narrative suggestions to you. |