Author has written 8 stories for Romance.
Hey, I'm Isabel, 16 this year, and these are totally irrelevant, unnecessary, inane, nonsensical tidbits about me that no one ever needs to know:
- Afflicted with the two-left-feet syndrome
- Never underestimates the power of a hug
- Strongly believes that brownies classify as a major food group
- Ruffles over Lays anyday
- Happy 85 percent of the time (Nope, no emo phase)
- Slowest metabolism rate known to mankind
- but doesn't do anything about it
- Loves going grocery shopping
- Can't laugh with my mouth closed
- Liked Ben Affleck in his Armageddon days
- Can't understand why lift doors like closing on yours truly
- Strangely, coffee makes me sleepy (go figure)
For now (or maybe forever), I'll just be writing one-shots! I love writing one-shots and I think I tend to spoil things when I drag stories out, so yep. Just one-shots. :)
That's My Prince
I've always thought that there's no better person to marry than your best friend. :) The song, "So Close" by Jon McLaughlin, is on loop on my iTunes right now. It's been awhile since I've heard such a heartmelter. It's from the movie "Enchanted" starring McDreamy and Amy Adams, and played in the scene where they waltzed, thus the parallel. The best way I figured you guys can hear the song is to see the youtube video, so here it is!
If not, just add me on MSN (isabel_chia@) and I'd love to send you the song. :)
Pest Control
A tale about a girl, a boy, and mankind's worst enemy: COCKROACHES.
The Dare
I usually take awhile to think of storylines for my one-shots but this idea just came to me suddenly. The most light-hearted one of the lot. I had alot of fun writing it and thank God I don't speak from personal experience cos the protagonist is unbelievably embarrassing! I would've died.
You Have My Attention
The product of 3 different scenarios I thought of, all pieced together to form one story. The summary used to be: He crouched down on all fours to pick up his handphone from the ground, and in a fit of playfulness, she stepped on his back, leaning her body weight on him. CRAAACK. Oh. Oops.
The Cute One
This was something that actually happened to me. Just the first part (the humiliation) though. :( It's down on my books as the most embarrassing moment of my life. Every time I think of it I die all over again. The rest is just a product of my imagination on what could have been, and what I would've wanted it to be!
And Then He Kissed Me
Quirky little thing. The protagonist makes me cringe at parts and laugh at parts cos sometimes she's just so out of it!
Disclaimer: "That thing, that moment, when you kiss someone and everything around becomes hazy and the only thing in focus is you and this person and you realize that that person is the only person that you're supposed to kiss for the rest of your life, and for one moment you get this amazing gift and you want to laugh and you want to cry because you feel so lucky that you found it and so scared that that it will go away all at the same time." This was quoted from the movie "Never Been Kissed" starring Drew Barrymore!
Love, Girl X
First one-shot I wrote. I had the idea after my friend referred to herself as Girl X in a blog post. The most serious one-shot out of the lot, I reckon.