Candy Sushi
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Joined 09-11-07, id: 581931
Author has written 7 stories for Fantasy, Supernatural, Thriller, and Horror.

Well, I'm Vicktoria and I don't really have anything to put here except...

Vicktoria's Guide to the Supernatural

Most things I author will have to do with some of this stuff, and so I thought it would be helpful to know my view on how they work. I will update this as people stimulate my brain.

MY Version of Vampires

x Don’t shrivel in the sun, they sparkle

x Don’t have to sleep, but some may choose too

x Don’t have to breath, but may do so to fool Mortals or out of habit

x Don’t have a reflection in any reflective surfaces, but can be photographed and recorded

x Can be absolutely silent when they choose to be

x Can move with super human speed, being one place then another before you blink

x Can override the will of most Mortals by meeting their eyes and capturing their mind

x Can eat food, but as their bodies can’t process it, must throw it up later

x Can have sex, male vampires must have fed first as to have blood to… perform.

x Are exceptionally beautiful

x Are immortal

x Can produce children, but females can not give birth

x Any child born of a female vampire will be stillborn

x Natural enemies of werewolves

MY Version of Witches

x Are born with their magic

x Their magic will increase until reaching a maximum, then remain the same until death

x Aren’t immortal, but extended life than can last up to a thousand years depending on power level

x Use symbols and words of power that, when they meet, initiates their magic

x Can communicate with most living things

x Pregnant females come to term faster than humans, usually twice as fast

x Depending on the child’s father however, they can give birth as soon as two months after conception.

x Natural enemies of vampires

x Are often irrational and have short tempers

MY Version of Wizards

x Don’t have their magic at birth

x Must learn their magic

x Use symbols, words of power, herbs, and potions to initiate wild magic which they bend to their will

x Aren’t immortal, but can double their lifespan using magic

x Of all magical persons, these are most often killed in magical accidents

x Natural enemies of witches

x Are often stubborn, strong willed, and egotistical

My Version of Warlocks

x Are born with their magic

x Their magic will increase until their death

x Can become unimaginably powerful

x Use only their will to indicate their magic

x Are immortal unless killed

x Are immune to most illnesses

x Can only produce children in the first forty years of life

x No natural enemies

x Are often wise, silent, and solitary

My Version of the Fey

x Are exceptionally beautiful

x Can seduce with natural magic without even noticing

x Can communicate with all living things

x Can change size at will

x Pregnant females come to term much faster than humans

x Most give birth one to two months after conception

x Control natural magic by “asking” living things to help them

x Are very susceptible to most human illnesses

x Are immortal unless killed

x Remain youthful the entire span of their life

x Can produce children the entire span of their life

x Natural enemies of Warlocks

My Version of Shapeshifters

x Appear human

x Can change into one animal, but also any species of that animal

x If they remain in animal form too long aspects of their appearance become more animalistic

x Can become fixed in their animal form

x Can communicate with all animals that they can shift into

x Pregnant females may come to term either as quickly as their animal counterparts, or their human ones depending upon the father

x Females must give birth as an animal and will give birth to the same animal which will later return to a human shape

x Children of Shapeshifters may or may not retain the ability to shapeshift

x Aren’t immortal

x Aren’t ruled by the moon (that would be a werebeast. They are NOT the same thing)

x Natural enemies are ruled by their animalistic side

Please comment or send me a message with any questions or comments on these. You will help more than you know I betcha.

The Cole Turns To Ash by Naked Penguin Fetus For Pope reviews
COMPLETE. 16 year old Cole is sarcastic, apathetic, pessimistic, and just well...a lump of coal. The complete opposite of one Ashton Matthews... Slash, male x male love
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A Bard's Tale reviews
My first real story. Written years ago and I am now typing it and beefing it up a bit. Still very thin.Genis is a young man who undergoes an incredible journey. With an elvan princess as his only ally, he sets out to save her world and find himself.
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Hunting for Humans
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UnTitled Book Prologue
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Hospitality reviews
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Thyme and Reason reviews
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At the Crossroads reviews
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Land of the Baby People reviews
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Fiction: Fantasy - Rated: K+ - English - Fantasy/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,415 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 1 - Published: 9/18/2007 - Complete