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Joined 04-12-01, id: 58267
12/23/02 marked my one-year anniversary as a fan fiction author. I would like to thank everyone for giving me such an illustrious year! In honor of this event, I've posted a new chapter of FtRCtT and a new chapter of "Szajha" will be up sometime this week.

I would like to thank a couple of individuals who have made this year particularly memorable.

Basilisk (aka Elizabeth)
I don't know if you're still reading my work but you were one of my first (and one of my most adament) fans. Thank you for your support which inspired me to continue "Bound" through those first few months in this fandom.

You're absolutely brilliant! Your fan art inspired me to start writing again (after a three or four month hiatus) and now, I'm back at my word processor, churning out piece of fan fiction. Thank you for being my muse!

You were the one who inspired me to begin writing fan fiction so I prostrate myself before you. Although I never hear from you anymore, you will always be the alpha and the omega to me. Thank you so much.

And thank you to some familiar names: Sandra Solaria Dees, Sparks, ChibiK, Tenchi Kaze, Jessica Black, Prophetess Of Hearts, Kebi, Abby -- I adore all of you! Thank you so much for supporting me!

Thanks again and Happy Christmas!

- Calliopiea (Alicia Flint)

P.S. For those of you who have asked, some of my work is also posted at