Author has written 1 story for Supernatural. FROM: BKI HEAD DIVISION Notice to all agents connected to Case #10446-R -Multiple sightings from several verified sources indicate so-called "The Kristian!" is currently living on campus at Tennessee Tech in Room 417, Peach Tree Ave.,Cookeville, TN. The following orders are now issued: 1.1- No agent(s) connected to case #10446-R will be authorized to issue public statements regarding any detail(s) of this ongoing investigation, nor are they authorized to issue statements either confirming or denying existence of so-called "The Kristian!". Please refer all further public or media-source inquiries to the BKI Office of Media Relations. 1.2- Agents are ordered to privately maintain an absolute standard of strict confidentiality regarding any and all aspects of the ongoing case investigation. Agents are expressly forbidden in any way to speak, write, or otherwise transmit any information concerning case specifics, to insinuate, or to otherwise speculate on any aspect of this investigation with any person or persons not directly connected to the ongoing BKI investigation. Agents may only discuss the details of this case with other members of the investigation team. Any violation of these edicts will be punished to the fullest extent of the law. THESE POLICY ORDERS SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL OR UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED OFFICIALLY BY BKI HEAD DIVISION. REPORT CONCERNING ANALYSIS OF FACTS RECOVERED FROM THE SCENE OF CASE #10446-R, 10-09-06 -DO NOT CIRCULATE- 1.1- Suspect, "The Kristian!", has been reported to be in the company of so-called "Amanda N." and "Rachel H." These subjects are to be approached with the utmost caution, as they are known for their belligerence toward the opposite gender. Experts contribute his survival to his fluffy hair and substantial amount of cash. 1.2-Suspect is believed to listen to the following music artists and bands: 1.3- Psychologists have identified suspect to be an INFP according to the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator 1.4- Suspect has publicly stated on several occasions his personal preference for Japanese culture and his intent to one day visit. 1.5- Tell-tale signs of the suspect are as follows: inability to smile when asked by another person, likes quirky words like "persnickety", has an obsession with search company Google, cannot say "cookies'n'cream" without immediately following it up with "bitch" so he avoids females working at Ben'n'Jerry's at all costs. 1.6- Suspect is usually the only male within a group of females when eating at a restaurant 1.7- Suspect is a proud sponsor of Kate Beckinsale. Agents are strongly advised to approach suspect with a small poster with said Kate Beckinsale for safety measures. 1.8- Current passions and tastes of note are cooking (consumption of, not production), visual arts of all media, computer entertainment software DDR. 1.9- Suspect is currently searching for "girl of my dreams". Said subject is said to "love to cook, have a hankering for art and music, and share the same quirks and dark taste that suspect does. She must also be named Kate Beckinsale." |