Author has written 9 stories for Romance, Action, and Humor. HI!! -In Asia they call me Ana. -I am from Michigan and I live in KOREA. -I have A LOT of relatives. I guess that's what makes me so outgoing. -I'm accepted by pretty much every group at my school, so I guess I'm a social buttafly (and totally ghetto not really... at all). I think I'm a pretty common type of person; hyper, funny (or at least people tell me I am), and REALLY talkative. I think I may have ADD or ADHD. -I'm in 11th grade and I'm an in Korea. -I enjoy pretty much every type of music. And I really do mean that. I'm not the kind of person who says they like every type of music and starts listing off all the "except"s. Okay, I've done that, too, but still. And I guess I don't really know if I like every type of music because I haven't heard every type of music. SO SUE ME. Jeepers. -I'm 16. -I like to read. -If you expect me to EVER update in a common pattern (like every week or something like that) GIVE UP YOUR FANTASIES!! (and any delusions of me continuing any time in the next like... three years :D ) -Now, start reading my stories, 'kay? (some of them are actually OK... sorta?) (but only one is finished ㅋㅋㅋㅋ) -OH! and I also just changed my name. I used to be thatsmyname now im just Stooped and just one more thing: I. HATE. Plagiarizers. So much. |