Author has written 10 stories for Romance, Supernatural, General, and General. Try my Facebook page! I'm building a page where I'm hoping to talk to some other writers and to post some sneak peeks into my processes, drafts, and future projects. You can find me at: facebook [dot] com [slash] LeKat1427 Hello, everyone :) I'm 26 years old and currently live in Georgia. I did live in California for the majority of my life, which explains the settings of all of my stories here so far. I was also a soccer coach for a long time, so that sport pops up a lot in my work. I'm a college student, so while I really do love to write and I hate to delay chapters when people are really into my stories, school does interrupt my speed. Of course, I'm sure most of you who have been following me for a while know that school's only one excuse for that :P UPDATE: I am now a college graduate with majors in English and Latin, a minor in History, and departmental honors in foreign languages and literature. (I'd delete the old stuff, but it's just too much fun to see what I wrote years ago. Most of it still holds true.) EXTRA UPDATE: I am now a middle school teacher, teaching Latin among other things to 6th - 8th graders. I will likely begin teaching Language Arts classes for the same age group next year. This is a huge personal accomplishment for me as, other than writer, I always wanted to be a teacher and enjoy it immensely. It doesn't much help with my delays and gaps between publishing chapters, but know that I will always come back to this. It is my love. After a long time under the status "under revision," I've decided to delete the story I wrote called "Lightning in a Bottle." It was something that I wrote very early on as an outlet for a personal experience, and it worked wonders, but as a story, it needs a bit of help (and a lot of consistency when it comes to tense XD). So I'm going to fix it up, though probably in my off hours. I've decided that my other stories need some love as well, but revising is great for writer's block. Thank you to everyone who ever reviewed, Favorited, or loved the original like I do. I promise not to tinker too hard. I also have some of my stories set up on another site. They haven't taken off there yet, so I could always use that support from wonderful fans here. Romeo: inkitt [dot] com [slash] stories [slash] 24032 But Dust: inkitt [dot] com [slash] stories [slash] 23595 Lastly, I've decided to actually start using the Twitter and Instagram accounts I have. If you'd like to follow me for updates, sneak peaks and other snippets of opinion, you can find me at LeKat1427 I hope you enjoy my stories. Know that I am always grateful for reviews and subscriptions/favorite alerts even if I don't comment about them; posting here wouldn't be any fun without them, and your words help me grow in confidence as a writer. |