Author has written 2 stories for General, and General. ~ Okely Dokely folks, here goes...My name is...No, I'm not going to tell you that. But I'm fifteen, and I'm a little ways into my sophomore year in high school.~ Anyways, I'm one of those very odd Californians who lives in a very boring city so must be odd to keep herself entertained, otherwise I would go mad. It is better to act mad, than to actually be mad, I beleive. I like to jump and dance and sing and be crazy, and I love to put on little English airs that I get from reading Harry Potter and Dickens and Jane Austen and watching films like Sense and Sensibility. This amuses not only myself, but other people, as well. ~ I love to act, and put on accents and reinact scenes from movies for the entertainment of friends and family. I also play B flat clarinet (I MADE FIRST CHAIR!!!!!), and piano which I ADORE!!!!!! I also love to read, of course, if you haven't figured that out, you're stupid. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and other random novels are favorites. Like right now. I'm reading Return of the King. Which is good, you should read it. But only if you have read the other two books and the Hobbit first!! I have my little chair in the corner of our front room and there's always books stacked around it and usually an empty glass which held milk. It's quite a comforting, home-like scene. The other great thing is that you can sit in that chair and people walk past and don't even notice that you're there. So you get to watch everything that goes on in the house. ~ That's another thing. I used to be a loud and attention-starved Californian, but I discovered that it's much more fun to be quiet and watch people because they make such fools of themselves and you learn a lot. ~ Let's see...I obviously also like to write (go figure). And I find it greatly amusing that so many people love what I write, but those really picky people absolutely hate my SPR fic. It's like, okay aaaaanddddd...get over it! Heeheehee! It's just a harmless little fic! People are so uptight and high-strung. Just relax...All right. ~ I love to chill with my friends, particularly : Blonde One, ShawnShawn, Turbo, Guru, Matt, Kelly, Mar, Rae, Lisa, Ari, and all my teammates, who are awesome dudes and treat me so well. Like their baby sister. Which is so sweet. I love them to pieces. ~ Okay, my other most favoritist hobby in the whole world is wrestling. No, not running around in a black leather thong beating people over the head with chairs. That's bull%$@!. I actually put on the singlet, get out on the mat, and kick some serious @$$!!! And I love it. ~ So that's it. Everyone be cool. Life is a gift, use it wisely. Have fun. ~ You're only in trouble if you get caught! ~ Man does not cease to play because he ages, he ages because he ceases to play! ~ And remember...Whatever happens...Whatever they do...Whatever they tell you...DON'T BANANA!!!!! ~ This is the bunny...It's...It's getting away! It's getting away! THE BUNNY IS GETTING AWAY!!! AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! |