![]() Author has written 3 stories for Romance, and Spiritual. May 13, 2010 HI EVERYONE! Wow, it's been a while. Well, for those who have been patiently waiting for me to completely post Beauty in the Beast, I will have all the chapters posted before the end of May. So I would suggest reading the latest chapter I just posted (Chapter 32: Preparations), since there is only one more chapter and then the epilogue!! :O :O :O Then it is officially completed!! Please, if you can, read this story until the end and if you are able to review, review, review! I just wanted to say thanks to those who have read and reviewed and even those who just read! Thanks a bunch!! :D January 3, 2010 Hi guys! So I am officially done with writing all the chapters for Beauty in the Beast. All that is left is editing and posting, so I just thought I would let you all know that. Also, I know that I posted a link of what I think the main characters should look like, but for those of you who prefer to put an actress/actor's face to a character, here is the actress and actors who I imagine playing the roles of Niki/Nikita, Devin, and Seth: Niki (actress: Ashley Scott) Pic 1 and Niki Pic 2 Nikita (again, Ashley Scott, just with a different hair cut) and finally December 22, 2009 (Merry Early Christmas) Okay, by updating my profile this late, it makes it seem like I have not updated chapters, which I have done (somewhat) since January. So, for all you fans of Beauty in the Beast, I have good news: I have finally typed up the next three chapters and sent them to my editor (each one averaging twenty pages long, which is slightly longer than any of the previous chapters). Even though it has taken me forever to update (summer job, college, finals, etc.), I believe this amount of time has made this story all the more better, and the chapters turned out better than I expected. According to my friend, these chapters are worth the wait, and I hope you guys agree. Again, I still feel bad about the amount of time it took, but if it is any consolation, I am trying my best to make up for it now by completing the story so all I have to do is upload each chapter. After finishing these past three chapters, I am, happy yet sadden, to say that the end of Beauty in the Beast is near (like a couple more chapters, I am assuming). Thanks again guys! January 7, 2009 (Happy New Year, BTW) I know, I know, I am terrible! I am so sorry that I didn't update sooner and I will really try to work on that! Even though I fail when it comes to updates, I hope you all see past it and hopefully, like the newest chapter in Beauty in the Beast. December 23, 2008 Okay, so I would have uploaded the next chapter tomorrow (since I was planning to update five days after I posted chapter 20), but seeing as how I'm turning 18 tomorrow and I am going to be busy, I figured I would be nice and post chapter 21 a day earlier. I hope you enjoy it and I wish you all Happy Holidays! December 5, 2008 Hi everyone! So I posted Chapter Nineteen yesterday and I hope it was okay! Okay, I was browsing online and I saw my friend's journal entries thingy on deviantart and I saw this little quiz you can take about yourself. So since I have never given much information about myself on here, here are some things I guess my iPod thinks I am. Randomness! Yay! "Put your iPod on shuffle. 1. "WHAT WOULD BEST DESCRIBE YOUR PERSONALITY?" 2. "WHAT DO YOU LIKE IN A GUY/GIRL?" 3. "WHAT IS YOUR LIFE'S PURPOSE?" 4. "WHAT IS YOUR MOTTO?" 5. "WHAT DO YOUR FRIENDS THINK OF YOU?" 7. "WHAT IS 2+2?" 8. "WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR BEST FRIEND?" 11. "WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP?" 13. "WHAT DO YOUR PARENTS THINK OF YOU?" 14. "WHAT WILL YOU DANCE TO AT YOUR WEDDING?" 15. "WHAT WILL THEY PLAY AT YOUR FUNERAL?" 19. "IF SOMEONE SAYS "IS THIS OKAY?" YOU SAY" 21. "HOW WILL YOU DIE?" 22. "WHAT IS THE ONE THING YOU REGRET?" 26. "WHAT SCARES YOU THE MOST?" 27. "DOES ANYONE LIKE YOU??" 31. "WHAT WILL YOU POST THIS AS?" November 22, 2008 I know, I know! This has been officially my longest update of Beauty in the Beast. I apologize. In my defense, there had been a lot of school projects and whatnot, and my computer was been out of commission for a couple weeks (it basically died... so we now have a new computer that fortunately has all of our old files on it! Yay!). Plus, ever since we got it back, I have been trying to do various things with it, like downloading iTunes again and having a panic attack when a lot of my songs wouldn't download at first (fortunately, I got that fixed :D Yay!). Anyway, back to subject: I'm posting up chapter eighteen, which is, or so I'm told by my editor, one of the best chapters so far (and really there isn't a lot of action sequences in it as the previous chapters, but it does reveal some interesting information...). So I hope you guys enjoy and please don't hurt me for not updating sooner. :D November 1, 2008 In honor of Halloween (okay so I'm a day late), I thought it would be appropriate to post the next chapter in Beauty in the Beast. ;D Hope you enjoy! October 21, 2008 Hi everybody! I decided to create a poll for Beauty in the Beast (I have never made one before :D). As you vote, please keep in mind, the results of the poll will not affect the story, since I have already decided what the outcome will be. This is for curiosity's sake. Thanks! October 18, 2008 I know this may sound childish and whatnot but I can not contain myself. --SQUEALS--. After months of waiting (okay more like a month and a half), Calypso Silverhawk (my editor, friend, and recently illustrator) has... drum roll please... completed the main characters picture for Beauty in the Beast!! I am so excited! I think she did an excellent job in drawing, inking, and coloring them! I highly recommend anyone to go to her website to view her pictures, not only because she created a visual for how she and I view the characters, but because in general, Calypso's artwork is amazing! Here is the link for the pic: Beauty in the Beast Characters Thanks everyone, especially Miss Calypso Silverhawk (or her deviantart name The Captured Spy!). September 8, 2008 Hi everyone! Okay, I just wanted to announce that Inevitable Nights has undergone a title change. You will notice that the title is now called Beauty in the Beast (I'm trying to play around with titles, and although I liked Inevitable Nights, my friends, Calypso Silverhawk and Kiea Evergreen, were discussing with me the story and Kiea joked around about the words Beauty in the Beast, and I fell in love with the play on words, so viola!). Anyway, the content itself has not been changed, with the exception of I will be continuing to add chapters, and the story itself is not based off of the popular, classic tale, Beauty and the Beast, I just really thought that this would be a great title to the story. However, if you oppose the title, please feel free to leave me a message and explain why you feel that the title is a poor choice. Thanks Kiea and Calypso! Also, if you're interested here are their profiles: Calypso Silverhawk (My editor/friend) August 26, 2008 Hi again! :) Hey just want to say how excited I am about this new story I'm currently writing about. I do have a lot of the chapters already typed up (as Calypso Silverhawk would know) but I am trying my best to space out when I post each one, even though I desperately want to post all of the ones I have written right now! But alas, all things must take time... Also, I may be posting some drawings of the various characters from Inevitable Nights on here, if my fabulous editor and maybe soon to be illustrator decides to draw them since I am horrible when it comes to drawing. If she allows me (which she has already given me verbal permission) I will have links on here to her devianart account so you too may see the characters and how I visualize them! :D That's about it! Hope you guys will enjoy Inevitable Nights! July 18, 2008 Hi everyone! Wow its been a while since I wrote a story! Well I was recently inspired to start a new story, Inevitable Nights, this past week, so I'm going with it. I hope this will receive the same type of attention as My Personal Love Z did. I admit this is darker then my other romantic story since it does involve supernatural elements but hopefully it will turn out great. Hope you all enjoy! Note to fans of My Personal Love Z: There has been some confusion about the title. I just thought I would clear up what the title means. Everyone has heard of the standard "Love Triangle." Well, if you really think about it, it is not really a "Love Triangle" but a "Love V" (since most likely the two people that are the same gender do not love each other). So since my story involves four people (not three) the "Love V" becomes a "Love Z" since two of the characters like one another and someone else. I hope this explanation clears up any confusion. May 23, 2008 Wow. Sorry for the really long wait!! But now My Personal Love Z is completed. Hope you enjoy. Oh also here are a couple links if anyone is interested in looking at them: Amanda's and Chloe's Dress in Epilogue Febraury 4, 2008 I decided to post chapter fourteen, since my last update took me forever and all eternity. I thought it would only be fair for the readers. ;D February 2, 2008 Wow, that was my slowest update ever! Sorry everyone!! At least chapter thirteen is now up! January 5, 2008 Yay! Chapter seven is up now! Sorry it took a little while. School just started this past week, so I probably will not update the chapters quite as quickly as I usually do. December 30, 2007 Chapter five is up! I decided since it took me a while to post chapter four, I would post chapter five up the day after. Also, for those of you who are interested, in chapter five these are the dresses that Chloe and Amanda wear: Amanda's Dress and Chloe's Dress December 29, 2007 Wow. Sorry for not updating sooner. With Christmas and my birthday, it was rather difficult to finish up chapter four quickly. :D But now it's up, and I am ready to start on chapter five! December 11, 2007 Yay! My first chapter is up! And hopefully I will update with the next D December 8, 2007 Well I created this new account, hoping my in-progress story will appeal to others. Info about me: Pen Name: Topaz36 Age: 19 (AGH adulthood!!) Religious Belief: Christianity (Protestant) One of my Favorite Videos Online: Everything Skit If you wish to make a comment or you have a question, feel free to message me. =) |