Author has written 5 stories for General, Humor, Fantasy, and Life.
I suppose this calls for an introduction...
Name: Katy
Age: 18
Location: New York
Hometown: Cleveland, Ohio
Favorite Books: To Kill a Mockingbird, How I Paid for College, Middlesex, The Virgin Suicides, A Clockwork Orange, The Things They Carried, Running with Scissors, Wonder When You'll Miss Me
Favorite Quotes:
"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go do that. Because what the world needs is more people who have come alive." -Harold Thurman Whitman
"Is ice hockey hard? I don't know, you tell me. We need to have the strength of a football player, the stamina of a marathon runner and the concentration of a brain surgeon. But we need to put all this together while moving at high speeds on a cold and slippery surface while five other guys try and kill us. Oh yeah, did I mention that this whole time we're standing on blades one-eighth of an inch thick? Is ice hockey hard? I don't know, you tell me. Next question." -Brendan Shanahan
I'm currently a freshman in college. My majors are Biology and English with a concentration in creative writing. I play for the women's club ice hockey team at school, and it's my favorite thing of life. I've been writing since I was nine, but I started taking myself seriously when I was a junior in high school. My most recent work is Skotadi, which I've spent the most time on. Everything else is about half a year old, from my senior project in high school. I have no idea what I want to do with my life, but I will always continue writing.
Much love,
9-8-08: First two chapters of Skotadi are now up! Read away!