Author has written 18 stories for Romance, Humor, Life, Love, Humor, Supernatural, Biography, and Fantasy.
Being talented requires being born lucky.Taking things to the next level requires commitment. Becoming excellent requires passion, hard work and determination...
My current works :
Drama, comedy about a boy and a magic ring - staged in S&S 2008 KLPAC
Reverse Psychology
Comedy about a shrink and his patient... twisted humor for the win - staged in S&S 2009 KLPAC
Sorry No Cure!
One Accident. One Old School Uncle. One Shaken Up Teenage Girl. One Good Laugh - to be staged by EMP in Jambalaya March 2010
All the Good Ones!
Some Interviews are tougher than others! - to be staged by EMP in Jambalaya March 2010
A Long Way to a Love Story
Drama about the highs and lows of long distance relationships - to be staged for KLPAC's Platform even in March 2010
Decorating the Christmas Tree
Christmas isn't Christmas until it happens in your heart.
Out of Time
A drama about the End of the World. And how to survive it.
She Left Me
Comedy about a man getting advice from to strangers about what to do to his wife who left him
Divine Intervention
Comedy about pick up lines... and killer comeback lines!
Faces of Pain
Drama about the choices and actions of a man whose girlfriend leaves him
The Blur Witch Project
Comedy parody of The Blair Witch Project
Strawberry Milkshake
Romance, drama about falling in love: its wonders and its pains
My blog: