Poll: Was Chad actually in Sidney's past life? If so, who was he? Vote Now!
Author has written 1 story for Romance. "The past is a ghost, the future a dream and all we ever have is now," -Bill Cosby I am a big fan of all types of romance and supernatural fiction and I mainly use fictionpress to read other people's amazing stories. It's only recently that I decided to write one of my own (God help me). I don't beta read (trust me, you're better off without me) and I'm always open to constructive criticism. I have a lot of ideas for different stories but I prefer to work on just one at a time since my attention span is so low. Anyways thanks for looking at my profile and if you choose to read it, I hope you enjoy my (one) story :) I've only just realised this, but a lot of my stories tend to have some supernatural or paranormal element to them (go figure). So I guess one of the stories I'll post after Me? I'm With Cupid will be supernatural. I've kinda started a vampire story but I think I'm going to stay away from vampire fiction for a while since that genre is already well-covered. Interesting thought: You know how people have beta readers? I was wondering if I could be a summary/synopsis writer, for people who say they always write sucky summaries for their stories. Pretty random thought but there you go. New Story news: I just had an idea for a few new stories. So I'm thinking of making my story "Me? I'm with Cupid" the first in a trilogy of stories. But don't worry! I don't want to drag on Sidney and Cole's story so the sequel will not be about them. I was actually thinking of a Caldwell High series (the school which Sidney and Cole attend). Each story from the point of view of someone who attends the school and is somehow involved with the supernatural. Whoa, sorry if that's all a little confusing, but right now those stories are just a series of ideas in my head. In the meantime I'm going to continue writing Sidney and Cole's story, thanks for looking at my profile :) Ooh and feel free to vote in the polls, I always like to see what the readers think or want, because it may affect the outcome of the story if I decide to change it. "Oh, innocent victims of Cupid, -E.Y. Harburg |
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