Author has written 7 stories for Romance, Song, General, and General. hello. welcome to this wonderful and virtual world of the MONKEYBAR ohMANIAC. u p d a t e : 11.29.10 Me again... Wow, this is surprising, updating once again. New poem-ish thing, She Sings to Me. Check it out, check it out. Yes, I know, it might be uncalled for. And it might be very very rough. But I just thought it up and liked how "deep" it sounded... somewhat. If you have read it, big thanks for looking at such a little project! Appreciation: granted. :) Also, note my new avatar thing! I drew a picture of Josephina and Demetrius (they're gorgeous, I know - both models!) from my new story in the making, Haywired, to commemorate their creation. Hoorah, I'm actually very proud of it. If you want to see all of it, just PM or something... :) That's pretty much it... I have got to get a life. Love, love, laughter (I hear a lot of it's going around today). O-ho, and I just realized how both of my poems' titles end in 'me'. Sweet. u p d a t e : 11.27.10 Yo. A few things to note today: 1. I'VE GIVEN UP! I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen (if they exist here...?), but my huge case of writer's block has caught up with me, and so, with a feeble adieu, I cast away the sequel of Hook, Line, and Sinker. It was just too tough... so difficult. Surely it will pop up in the future sometime, but, for now, I will cease my battle against procrastination on this project and hereby stopped the workings of it. Now, that does not mean I'm quitting on writing in general. No siree, I'm perfectly capable of creating new stories, just not this little sequel/standalone. So don't give up on me yet! :) 2. I've updated this whole profile thing-ah-mah-jiggy. Check it out, check it out. :) I've actually written something in the 'upcoming?' portion. Maybe they'll be done, maybe others will be, we'll see yet again. I have forty-five freaking ideas all locked up on Word, let me tell you. It's monstrous. But I'm working on it. " 3. Uh... oh right. Blog thing. I added, kind of. I guess you can look at that, too, if you'd like. Thanks! :D u p d a t e : 9.23.10 Hello. New little oneshot... "Cigar-ette Smoke". Check it out. I'm actually fairly fond of this one, although it's totally out my usual range (which is already extremely wide, in many ways.) I wrote it all in one sitting, yay! But, still, consider the fact that it's pretty short... yeah. Truthfully, I had gotten this idea from a poem somewhere, somehow, you spunkies don't need the details. But I was really into it, and I'm glad that I was able to create this. And, yes, it is fun to read out loud in a Southern accent. I've done it. Several times... hah. u p d a t e : 7.14.10 Thanks, Nancy, IceIceBaby :), Funky Munky, DrakeLee, and paraNormal for the anonymous reviews for Hook, Line, and Sinker. I really appreciate it! :D Thank you, Elle and kikichaka (for this and HLS) for the anonymous reviews for the Diary. :) I'm so happy! s t o r i e s ? Cigar-ette Smoke My Safe Haven Hook, Line, and Sinker (oneshot) The Diary (oneshot) The Feeling (oneshot) p o e m s ? She Sings to Me You and Me u p c o m i n g ? Haywired I got shot by a model’s hair pin during an autumn collection in Manhattan. So now I’m stuck in this city, in this business, with the next “It Girl,” Josephina Madison. Why, thanks for nothing, Conair. House (oneshot) “Why not?” he scoffed. “Well, she’s seven and you’re seventeen. Obviously you can’t ride on me.” So maybe this game isn’t as fun as it should be with my five friends. Well, four and one friendly enemy. a b o u t m e ? Well, I absolutely adore reviews. And I'm totally the one who replies back, so don't worry. my updates might take a while; school work is horrendous. psst. did you know? i'm a be-tah reader. Oh! Reach me by emailing at monkeeitout (at) live (dot) com or go to my homepageee at blogger: scroll up! the new thing - formspring?? (psst) me at www. /JoseeLaure. get rid of them spaces. t h a t ' s a l l ? xmonkeybarohmaniac |