Author has written 1 story for General. Dont really have much to say. I am female. 16. I am now the proud owner of a drivers licence. =) That is all you need to know about me i suppose, as i dont know alot about myself at the moment, its a fun feeling really you should try it sometimes. ABOUT DEFYING CLICHES: The story is in parts. so far there are two parts to it. Each part has three chapters each. Part one has chapter 1,2,and 3 and Part two includes chapter 4, 5, and 6. The story has a little patern going on, the first 2 chapters of every part are events that happened in the narrator's life and the third chapter is just a little random something related to the topic more like the narrator's thoughts and feelings i guess. Currently: Underconstruction. August 18, 2008: Chapter One is up |