All right. You can all add me to that list of people who officialy hate . ~.~ *glares them to puddles of goo* Yeah yeah. They're being mean and I can no longer add any more chapters to my NC-17 ficcies. (sorry peeps.) Yeah, so if you wanna read it, follow the above link to my new site and all my stories (including the co-writes) will be archived and updated there. YES, I FINALLY GOT THE LINK FIXED! STOP E-MAILING ME, PEOPLE! x_@;; GAH! Sorry to all the people out there who likes the ficcies. x_x Someone always has to ruin it for the rest of us, I guess. ^^ As always, your e-mails and reviews are still loved. I usually reply back to e-mails. Feel free to comment on anything, or even nothing! gets smacked by muse Sakura-Chan* x_X Gah. I'll shut up now. *crawls back into hole* |