Author has written 6 stories for Supernatural, Young Adult, Humor, and Life. Well, like a lot of new FictionPress writers, I was once a dedicated Quizilla user... then the writing left -and the image became all that mattered- so here I am.. I was on Hiatus but that's over. I am going to post my story over, with minor revisions and a more thorough spell/grammar check and post it soon. Love and Fate readers TAKE THE POLL. Poll closed, edits and updates are in progress. So, good/bad news... I have a job!! Woo!! So, now the whole me updating things is... yeah. Well, at this point, I'm full of ideas, but typing them may take a bit longer, but I'll write whenever I can... Sorry if, ya know, I takes too long. Don't lose faith in me.. More on me... I am: Living a great depression I live: I just don't have a life I Hate: Being here I LOVE: A good muse I Loathe: Liars I Like: The weather I Want: Things to be better I Need: To smile more I act: Like I don't care... but I do I don't: Update often enough Sometimes.. I hate people Someday.. I'll live My writing is usually vampire oriented originally themed works, but I write about everything. I have a new wolf inspired story out.. A World Unlike My Own. Check it out. Alright, so I have posted 14 pre-written chapters from my Quizilla account (in case by some possibility you saw them before). After this point post on Love and Fate will be slower, but hopefully not snail pace. My third story is Ordinary Life, which is Vampire/Wolf centered. I have a realistic fiction, non-supernatural story in the make, i'm just waiting for a moment so i can type it (i know, i know, i'm already in over my head, why more... but i like it a lot, it has a really nice flow, so i'll try and get it up soon) Updates October 10th, 2010 I'm not on hiatus I'm just taking a very long time... not much better I know, sorry. Absolutely (The story of a girl) Love and Fate Ordinary Life A World Unlike My Own Words to remember "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds" -Albert Einstein Review |