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Joined 07-30-08, id: 624067, Profile Updated: 09-17-08

HI, I'm Marro Tekatsu, also known as Kazakana Sio and Marro333. I would say my real name, but...I don't have the motivation. All you really need to know about me to be around me is this: I'm an otaku, I like pizza, and I don't care what you think of me (even though I'm curious). I play only low pitched instruments, being Tenor Trombone, Bass Trombone, and Bass Guitar. Piano's a side hobby. As stated above, I'm an otaku. If you don't know what it is...Look it up on your own time. If you know me, then you most likely see a facade. I show myself to very little people, three known to date. I am known to switch emotions quickly at times. I like music, anime, manga, video games, and, when fully at peace, reading. I can be seen acting very strange, due to the fact that I don't care what you think of me. Just because you think something, it doesn't mean it's true! That's why there's fact and opinion. Oh yeah, when it comes to writing, I'm basically a grammar nazi. I love foreign languages, and, other than being a musician, I am working to be a lingust. Hmm...Well, enough of my rambling...Hmm...Personality stuff...

Favorite Food: Melon Bread.

Favorite Color: Orange or Purple. Depends on my mood.

Favorite Season: Fall. Know more cicadas, no extreme heat or cold, and, to my mental state, the beginning of a new year.

Favorite Movie: Never had a huge interest in them.

Favorite Anime: I'm not even going to say show, because the only American show I watch is Two and a Half Men. Shakugan no Shana/II is my favorite.

Favorite Book: Hard choice, and I read series. Either the Artemis Fowl series, the Twilight series, or the Pendragon series.

Favorite Time of Day: When alone, it has to be night. Purely quiet and no sun to deal with. When with other people it's dawn. Right before anyone wakes up, and the sky is tinted an slight orange and pink. It's quiet, but not purely so. It's peaceful. A true calm.

Favorite Hobby: Music. No matter what I do, it has music. I read with music playing, video games contain music, anime contains music, and when playing an instrument, obviously you're playing music.

What I prefer to where: I'm a simple guy. I prefer white or gray T-shirts with or without an image. I wear blue, black, gray, and beige shorts. I prefer zip-on pants so I have shorts and pants when needed. I always wear black consertative tennis shoes. Not sports-like, but not dress shoes. If you were actually expecting to see what type of underwear I wear next, I have one word for you: Pervert.

Political Views: Okay, I'm going to state this now. Don't like, don't read. I state my opinion bluntly, and I guarantee you what I say will sound agressive. Politics are sesitive views these days, and remember, this is my OPINION. You are NOT me, so if you disagree, then good for you. If have what I think, and you have what you think. That is MY opinion, and I'm sticking with it. Well here we go.

Political Side: I guess I'm Conservative, but not strongly so. I'm against abortion half-way. If the baby will have defects or be unhealthy, then allow it. If it's because they don't want the baby, THEN WHY DID THEY HAVE SEX IN THE FIRST PLACE! Gay marraige...I'm sorry, but this day and age I'm against marraige period. If people actually comprhend what you say at marraige, then why are there divorces. If I remember correctly, you are swearing to the Lord (I am a Christian) that you would perish if to be seperated. If that were to be so, then there would be a lot of dead people. Gay marraige...You know what? Before now I would have said no way. Now, you know what? I don't care. It's not my business, and if the two being married stay together and forfill their wedding vows, then I'm fine with it. I'm not God, so who am I to judge? The war in Iraq. Face it people! THERE IS NO WAR IN IRAQ!! We have soldiers sitting there, making sure another insane psychopath like Sadam Hussein doesn't come into power. Ther e war on terrorism. At 9/11, we declared we'd capture/kill Sadam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden. Bin Laden hasn't been captured, but heck. No matter what we do, you can't kill an idea. As long as humans exist, one can have an idea pooping in his head saing, "Let's blow people up and enslave people you don't agree with me." This will be a war that lasts to the end of time. In my opinion, no one has a say whether or not the war should end. We back out, 9/11 will happen again, and it'll start over again. It's not whether or not we should fight, it's whether we will stand with our opinions or give in, and if we will make them realize the stupidity of their actions, or let them get away with what they want. Now political parties? Censoring my language, polical parties are the most futile excuses for a basis of opinions I have ever seen. Ever notice people these days? I've seen people who are in the Democrats voting Replublican repetively. My father votes for the Republican canidate, regardless. I am Independent all the way, because political parties are flaw. Liberals are mainly Democrats, right? How come I see liberal girls walking around with loads of make-up on and hair dye. They test those on animals, and the factories are horrid for the enviroment! Okay, Conservative/Republican bashing time. Conservatives are maily Republicans, right? How come they say that the war on terrorism is a good cause, when our actions aren't even being executed effeciently. The way we are fighting is no where effecient to our economy, no less our reputation as he most powerful country. Parties are causing inner battles inside the country, which is tearing us apart. If it keeps going, I won't be surpised if the's a Conservative States of America and a Liberal States of American. I don't know. To me, this seems like a game. An immature game of opinions with an objective to prove which side is right. Sorry, but you're both wrong. Both parties have goals, but anything they aren't conserned about is tossed down the drain! Stirfoam. I don't know how to spell it, but I do know it's the worst material on this planet for our enviroment, and look how loosely it's being used! Packages from ? Stirfoam pellets! How many internet ordered packages are being shipped? Thousands, possibly millions! Hello, I am Marro Tekatsu, an Independent voice, and I approve this message.

Phew. Now that my OPINIONATED rambling is over, time to move on. Physical Stuff (Might as well)

Eye Color: Brown.

Hair Color: Brown.

Height: 5'8" (Probably staying that way...).

Weight: Not exactly sure right now.

Gender: Last time I checked, male. You never know with those doctors anymore...0_0

Anything else...I've got a birth mark stuck right on my face. Right upper cheek to be exact. I've got an avarage build, not sports material, but not unhealthy either. Now have a good idea of me...Not really sure why I even put all this. I might as well tell you my blood type is O+ and that I'm a very strange leo, not tempted to boast or be a leader. I'm bored of talking about myself now. I don't know why you just read all this. If you somehow find me and plan to come to my house, I must warn you I have weapons hidden in strange places! Well, since you're done reading this pointless information, here's a little paragraph for you to read:

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty
uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal
pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a
rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't
mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the
olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer
be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl
mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.
Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed
ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling
was ipmorantt! tahts so cool!