. . M e . . Bonjour à tous! I'm twenty one. Recently graduated psychology major. Books, I love books. I'm an avid reader. Fiction is my escape from the real world. Unfortunately for me, I'm also a 'completer'. No matter how horrible I find a story, I'll finish reading it. Of course, I'll make my life hell while doing it. I'm a procrastinating perfectionist. Probably the reason you don't see any of my stuff up here on Fictionpress. Maybe sometime in the near future?? (snorts) I have a huge wildlife and animal obsession. I'm really passionate about them. One of my dreams is to get involved in wildlife conservation. However, I have this HUGE phobia of cockroaches (I believe it's called Katsaridaphobia). I run screaming every time I spot one. (shudder) I have a mild case of Trichotillomania, which is a condition involving strong urges to pull out one's own hair. Nothing serious, just gets on my nerve sometimes. My previous user-name was Winged Unicorn. Wasn't particularly fond of it. Am currently judging the Best One Shot Category at FPSSA!! . . B o o k s . . Recently finished reading Everlost - Neal Shusternam Currently reading Archangel - Sharon Shinn Plan to read Archangel - Sharon Shinn "To the dull mind nature is leaden. To the illumined mind the whole world burns and sparkles with light." - Ralph Waldo Emerson . . G r e a t ( W e b ) p l a c e s . . Youtube: Spike Milligan's A Fly in My Soup - Readers by Author - texts from last night - - Authonomy - Undiscovered - FPSSA - |
Akuwa Marene (2) | kimlsy (0) |