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Joined 09-14-08, id: 630894, Profile Updated: 11-20-11
Author has written 1 story for Young Adult.

A b o u t . M e
('Cause you're dying to know.)

My name is Jennifer Joy (insert last name here) and I was born on March 6th, 1995. You may call me Jenn, though many of my friends know me as Tweek. I live in Chicago IL currently, but after college I plan to move to either New York City, or stay put. I have yet to truly decide. I am the youngest of four siblings; two brothers and a sister, and I was always pressured to be the best from a very young age. In tribute to that, I play seven instruments, sing, act, write, and draw on a daily basis. My dream is to be a famous author and actress by the time I am thirty. To this day, I have no doubt that I will reach my goal, eventually. I am currently, hopelessly in love with a boy who will never return my feelings again, as I lost my chance some time ago, and I use this as basis for my many goals. I plan to show him just what he is missing. I currently partake in many of my school's plays and musicals, and am an active member of the theater club. I am also extremely friendly, and love meeting new people! If you ever feel the need to talk to me, feel free to email me at soaninja@ or omglawlyaoi@, as well as contacting me on any of the sites below! Just make sure to mention you're from!

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Not Much Left To Say

Lets see...
I like when things explode.
I'm in love with my hair and dye it often.
Other then writing I like to; draw, play volley ball, read, play video games (Wii), sing, and play card games.
My nephew is adorable.
My favorite foods are Sushi, ramen, shrimp tempura, and chow chow beef sticks.
My favorite drinks are Dr. Pepper, root beer, mountain dew, seven up, coolaide, coffee, and many different tea's.
I'm insane.

T H E - E N D

I'm a little bit hipster.

Secrets Within the Teenage Mind reviews
A series of secrets from real teenage minds, 20 to 50 per person. No last names or schools are mentioned, everyone's secrets are 100 percent true and anonymous, and allow you the chance to look into the thoughts of teens ages 13 and up from all around.
Fiction: Young Adult - Rated: T - English - Drama - Chapters: 2 - Words: 2,677 - Reviews: 2 - Follows: 2 - Updated: 11/10/2008 - Published: 11/9/2008