Author has written 6 stories for General, and Romance. 10th March 2018 Ummm...yeah. Hi. Hello. It's been way too many years. Here's to hoping that this is the year I get my act together and actually finish the things I've started. But let's not hold our breaths either, mkay? Mkay. STORIES 1 (Work.In.Progress): SWITCH- SLASH!-It's a given that boys and girls are different.We all know that.But,how different are they...? Join Taylor,a 17 y/o girl and find out. Wait...A girl? Don't you mean boy...? Ten chapters up so far! Touch me again--a two-chapter het romance.--Published the first chapter. On a sort-of hiatus till further notice. ~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~ STORIES 2 (Complete): Silly Little Incubus--SLASH One Shot. Written for Freak-of-Spades Monthly Challenge. Cefier the Incubus is roaming the streets of New York city in search of his first mate. What will he do, when he does find him...? Breaking The Habit--SLASH! A one-shot written for russlove. A cliché little story about an emo gay boy and his jock boy bully. With a bit of a twist. Cause I'm just mean like that. :snickers: Please Note: It will be getting an accompanying one-shot of a different name some time in the future. My Favourite Pet Cat--SLASH One Shot written for Shikokudarkstar. Christian is a rich, gay boy that leaves the comfort of his parents' wealth and in doing so is left completely alone, having only his older sister, Claire, by his side. That changes, however, when she gets him a new furry, four legged friend. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Also check out my favourites list for bunch of awesome stories and authors! You won't regret it! You might get the urge to kill me for giving you so many stories to put on your 'to read' list, though #wink# |
effay (12) | failte200 (8) SerialXLain (4) | Shinigamigirl87 (4) Tygati (33) |