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Joined 10-03-08, id: 633293, Profile Updated: 12-31-08
Author has written 1 story for Humor.

Okay people,

first thing's first, we are actually 2 people.

the best one, of course is charli and I'm the one writing this in case u didn't guess. But vi is so smart that she decided to add some things onto it and if you haven't guessed, my name is vi.(Vi more awesomer than Charli :P) And the shortest one, if you didn't guess from our pen name, is vi, (yes i am short -o- i plan to go grow soon) who is utterly awesome, just not awesome enough to challenge moi. charli wishes xDD

sorry vi, didn't mean to burst your bubble.

We are very much the same, read abnormally fast, short, (but i am shorter than charli, hence the email :D) omg vivien stop interrupting. geez write like it's going to save our life... you know, all the usual stuff. And then one day, we decided to write a tandem story.

So we have created this account so that people could read our story (ies) and comment on them. Hope you enjoy!!

xox charli & vi

pps: WE LOVE EDWARD CULLEN FOREVER!! keep your hands off girls! :D Actually Edward Cullen is the property of Vi (sorry to burst your bubble charli!)

Random Facts of Charli - forewith (?) to be referred to as RFC. sounds like a football club...

Favourite Book/s: Harry Potter (love you madzy! accio!)
Twilight and the others. Edward Cullen will always rule but Jake can be second in command i guess
The Mortal Instruments Quartet - seriously guys. I think i might love Jace more than Edward. Actually, i know I do. They're friggin brilliant! I heart them so much. Read or die.
Anything by James Patterson, especially Max Ride books. I also heart Fang. Someone buy me the second book so I don't have to keep trying to read them in five minute blocks in Myer
the Inkheart novels. Farid, why o why?
If I've forgotten anything that my friends know i'm obsessed with then you have permission to get mad at me. You especially, vi.

Favourite Song/s: my favourite of all time is Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen. By far the best song that has ever been and will ever be written. Romy and Fi the Queen Club is still at its meager 3. I also love Evanescance and Pink and (booyeah!) i'm going to see the Pink concert with Fi in July (?) 2009. Don't you love me fi? Missy Higgins is also totally freaky-good and guess what guys, she sounds exactly the same live as she does on the CD. How awesome is that? xxdegeneratexx you're still my music guru.

Favourite Food/s: dad's vege lasagne, burritos by mum onlydad's cheesy mash, the maccaroni cheese at that resaraunt that i can't remember the name of. Maddy and Twyla you know what I mean. and i will kill for Turkish Delight. So don't test me, stranger.

Needs: a pile of unread (or possibly just completely awesome and rereadable material) books on her bedside table. My contact lenses. Twilight. Harry Potter (you are my idol, woman) enough light to eat by, itchbite cream, a pad and a pen, something fizzy and non alcoholic to get semi high in.

Weirdest moments ever: when i had a breakdown on New Years Eve 2008 and i couldn't stop laughing for half an hour and then i started crying i was laughing so hard and then that scared me and i couldn't stop crying. then i called for pen and paper and a lollipop and calmed myself down by writing the end of a novel where he stabs her. hmmm, sad. Then when i stood up I couldn't walk. I blame the coke. someone must've spiked it. lol

whenever I run into a wall. especially when i ran into the same fire hydrant four times in a row in the space of five minutes. that scatterbrained-ness for you.

and the rest are too weird to remember...

Characters that are ruling my life at the moment: Jace from Mortal Instruments, Addie and Luke from our story Changing Hearts, and Fang from Max Ride.


Changing Hearts is nearing an end, and me and vi are distressing. We're gonna miss them so much! Sorry about the lack of updates, Vi's in Vietnam and I'm waiting just as impatiently. I crave some Luke and Addie action! Oh and who else out there got the whole wolf thing? His fave animal is wolves people, don't you get it? I didn't even realise that until after. She's his personal lone wolf. Maybe. What if we decide to twist it...

Vague Lines: we're not too sure on the title yet, it's that or Sheep and Penguins (jks! altho I'm sure i could come up with something to tie it in...) not telling what it's about but it'll be comeing after C.H

Help: I need ppl to tell me some good books! I already know I have to read Bad Kitty from awesome Saraahh, but I have to find it first... so please, someone, help a distressed teenage girl here. I. Need. Reading. Material. NOW. thanks! cheesy grin

Favourite Sayings: Your mum: it's so pathetic!

Are you on crack?: can't wait to use this!

and what am I? chopped tomato?: totally not relevant to anything. i changed the liver to tomato cos i'm weird like that

you dope: my own personal choice. i love the looks i get =D

everybody, my site buddy is Sarah, also known as... Lost Fairytale. She's brilliant and awesome and cracks me up and she's currently (as in, as I type this) writing up me a blurb for CH. I love her and I'm lucky I found her! Gooooo Sarahhhhh!

this is the blurb:

If there’s anyone Adie detests more in this world it’s guys like Luke Belvin and the feelings mutual. He’s popular, full of himself and thinks that girls should just fall all over him and she seems to be the only one who can see through his charms.

But their’s a thin line between love and hate, and when they’re tied together with a twenty dollar bet they just might find that there’s more to each other than they first thought.

sarah has also made THE BEST cover for C.H, and I owe her so much. Seriously take a look at it, it's friggin brilliant!http:///albums/hh430/franticwriter/soccer_fin.png

so thank you so much, sarah! you do know i'll be calling on you for more... sometime in the future.

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