![]() Author has written 2 stories for Fantasy. Location: Hamilton Ontario Favorite part of book: ""C'mon, Bells! Nessie likes me, too," he insisted. I froze. My breathing stopped. Behind me, I heard the lack of sound that was their anzious reaction. "What...did you call her?" Jacob took a step farther back managing to look sheepish. "Well," he mumbled, "that name you came up with is kind of a mouthful and-" "You nicknamed my daughter after the Loch Ness Monster?" I screeched. And then I lunged for his throat." -Breaking Dawn Chapter 22 Page 451 Favorite Quot: "When you can live forever, what do you live for?" Age: 18 Gender: Female Check out this site for more stories or if you're really interested in writing: Megan's blog Interested in RPing? Keita's RP is the place to be August 9, 2010: My book, Regret: A Collection of Short Stories was accepted by a publishing company, Publish America. August 18, 2010: I officially signed the contract for my book, let the prossess begin. August 23, 2010: Just wanted to let you all know, that we have started the second stage of the publishing prossess, and hopefully it wont be to long now. September 23, 2010: Unfortunatly I had to change the name of my book from Regret to Remorse: A Collection of Short Stories. Apparently Regret was already taken. The better knews is that now my book has been sent to the Text and Design department and should be ready for ordering in 7 months or less. October 1, 2010: Hey all, well todays the day. Today I'm going to start posting the new "Ayame's Story". Now, unfortunatly I have to work today so it wont be up until about 7 GM-5 (I think that's central time as well not sure though). So I hope you all enjoy it. Now, as for the postings, I'll be posting every Friday, along with the 1st of every month. It's not one of my longer stories, but I hope you all enjoy it any way. Please reveiw each chapter you read. October 7, 2010: Just wanted to let everyone know that I just got my first cheque from Publishamerica. Now the book still isn't ready for ordering or purchase, it's still going through design and text, this cheque was only the amount of money they paid for my manuscript, which was only 1 cries. Oh well. Hope you're all looking forward to Chapter 1 of "Ayame's Story" should be posted sometime tomorrow. Please read and review. October 8, 2010: So chapter 1 of "Ayame's Story" is up, getting chapter 2 ready a we speak for next week. I would like to give a special thanks to my betta reader, Mak Hertz, for all her hard work in getting these chapters read and done on time. Just a reminder, Chapter 2 will be out next week, on October 15th, lets just say it's a happy birthday pressent to my father, even though he probably wont read it. Hope to see more readers, and more reviews. Until next time everyone. October 16, 2010: Oh my god! I'm so sorry I got Chapter 2 up so late! Like I mensioned last week, yesterday was my father's birthday, and where I thought he wouldn't have anything planned, it turned out he had a lot of things planned. So, again, I'm SO SORRY! Any way, chapter 2 is now posted and ready for your reading. I would like to give another thanks to my betta reader, Mak Heartz, for all her hard work and determinasion to get these chapters to me on time. Again, please review what you read and let me know what you think. Chapter 3 should be posted on time next week. I would also like to let everyone know that yesterday I got 3 e-mails from Publishamerica, and today I got to review my cover design and text page proof for my book, Remorse: A Collection of Short Stories, and I have to say, they have done an AWSOME job on it. It shouldn't be to much longer now before those of you who want to purchase a copy can do so. October 18, 2010: I have just receaved an e-mail from Publishamerica. My book has been sent to the print and will be released in about 6-8 weeks. Look for it in book stores then. October 21, 2010: I just got an e-mail from Publishamerica. My book is now available to order on line. It is, unfortunatly, only available in soft cover. To order it, here's the link http:///product120132.html October 22, 2010: Hey all, chapter 3 is now posted. Hope you all enjoy it. October 29, 2010: Hey all, chapter 4 of "Ayame's Story" is up. Read it, review it, and let me know what you think of it, that way when I get it published in March I have it to my readers likings. Since Monday is the first of the month, my original plan was to put a posting up, but both myself and my fantastic beta reader are pretty buisy, so, instead I'm gonna do a double posting on Friday. November 8, 2010: Well, sorry I couldn't give you guys a quick update after posting both chapter 5 and 6 up, my dad had himself in a bit of a pickle and I had to go pick him up, and then with my sister's birthday being Saturday and me taking her shopping on Sunday, I just couldn't find any more time. Any way, chapters 5 and 6 are up and waiting to be read and reviewed, I hope you like them. November 11, 2010: Happy rememberance day every one. I have some good news from Publishamerica. The price in my book has been brough down. Here is the new link for all of those who still wish to buy my book.http:///product24994.html In Flanders Fields In Flanders fields the poppies blow We are the Dead. Short days ago Take up our quarrel with the foe: Lest We Forget! Again, Happy Rememberance day all. See you tomorrow when I go to post Chapter 7 of "Ayame's Story" November 12, 2010: Good morning all. Chapter 7 has been posted. Not much longer now, only 3 more chapters and the epilogue left to post, but don't worry, I'm already working hard on the next book. "A Life With No End". Yes, you all might be thinking "Doesn't she already have that posted?" and the answer is, Yes, yes it is already posted. I will be cutting the copy you currently see off, and posting the new copy of it. I have been rewritting "A Life With No End" so hopefully you all like the new version, it is already longer than the few chapters you see, by a lot, so that will deffinatly be a lot longer for postings. So look forward to it. For now, I'm off. See you all next week and don't forget to read and review. November 19, 2010: Good evening all. I hope you all had a good day, I know my day sucked. Being stuck in the theater with a bunch of screaming Harry Potter fans really sucks, and having people yell at you for telling them to go to the end of the line for running sucks even better. But the worst of it all is that people were yelling at me for asking for their tickets. Come on people, we all know you need tickets to get into the theaters. Anyway, on to the point, Chapter 8 is now posted, only 2 more chapters and an epilogue left, so there will probably only be a week or 2 left for AYame's Story. Please read and review it, I really want to know what people think about this story before I go to get it published. Enjoy. December 3, 2010: Oh my, I'm so sorry I wasn't able to get chapter 9 to you guys last week. My beta reader, Mak, lost her internet conection last week and wasn't able to get it to be until today, but it's up now. I hope you all enjoy. Chapter 10 will be up sometime tomorrow for you all. Don't forget to leave reviews. December 16, 2010: Awe man. I'm so sorry it seems I've been slacking a bit. _;;; Again I'm sorry it's been so long for a posted chapter, it's just myself and my beta reader have been working so hard at trying to get these last few chapters to perfection for you guys. I hope you can forgive us. Oh well, chapter 10 is posted for your enjoyment. April 1st, 2011 Hey guys, long time no see. Hey, just wanted to let you all know how much I like the reveiws I'm getting, no matter how few they are. Also wanted to let you know that I'm working on a new section of short stories, as well as working on the newly revised "A Life With No End". The few short stories that I'm working on now should be up by about August or so, hopefully, still got a lot of work to do on them. Any way, back to the note on reviews. I have gotten a review from a person recently, but since they're not a member on this site I can't reply to them, so I figured I'd post it up on here and let you all see it and so he can get the reply for it. "You might want to change the name of that town: it sounds pretty close to Twilight. Okay plotline. Way too many descriptions (cars, rooms ect.). Either cut those out entirely or get rid of parts of them. Your character is perfect. Which in the literary world, means horrible. Give her some sort of flaw because right now, she's really boring. You really need to fix this up. Sorry to sound mean." Well, Zo, to give you a reply on the name of the town: Well dah it sounds to much like Twilight, didn't you think I had all ready figured that out? I do believe that I have mensioned in the past that I've been working on rewriting "A Life With No End" hence why I've put the "Original" in front of the one that's posted now, that way people can take a look at my preveous work. (Those who are members, you can correct me if I'm wrong. If I am then I guess I'll oh this guy an apology.) For your comment on the description of the cars and rooms, well the description on the cars are needed, and the description on the rooms are there so you know what kind of environment the characters live in, I've been using this story in my writing class and I haven't had any kind of discrepancy on it in there, in fact I think you are the only person who seems to have a problem with it. (Again, those who are members, if this is wrong you may correct me and again if you do I would oh this guy an apology.)And you think my character is perfect? Hunny, you might want to continue to read the story so you can find that all my characters are FAR from being perfect. As for fixing it up, like I've already pointed out, I've been working hard on rewriting and continuing this story, so hopefully it'll be ready come the new year, if not sooner. Maybe I'll have it ready for Christmas and give you all a Christmas present. Any Way, unfortunatly my laptop had to go in to get repaired so I have nothing to write with for the next month, hopefully it comes in sooner, but until then, I'll talk with you all when the short stories get posted, or when someone else who isn't a member posts a review. Laters. July 3rd, 2011 I'm back! And I've finally finished "Ayame's Story". I would like to thank those who read and reviewed on the old versions that were up in the past, and I hope you guys enjoy the final project that's up. Don't forget to review. Now I wont be able to update as often as I like, because my boyfriend and I just moved into a new apartment the other day and we just finished cleaning up today, but unfortunately we don't have any internet and we don't know when we'll be getting it, but I'll post when ever I can. Well, now that I've updated you all on my life and my writing, I'll see you later when I post new stuff, in the mean time don't forget to review the stories you read. Later. December 15/2011:Hey all it's just me giving you the latest updates. Lets start with the good news, I'm 7 weeks pregnant. YAY! Now lets move on to the crappy news. I just receaved a lovely review from someone who didn't feel like truely identifying themselves so I felt like sharing it with you all and the reply I would like to give them, but can't because they didn't properly identify themselves. "From: Ugh () -- Wow, I just wasted my time reading your first chapter alone. And the fact that you like Twilight says a lot about you as a writer. Oh wait, you're not much of a writer with what I read. Dude, read some books and learn from them how to write for real." Dear UGH, Since you didn't give me a proper identification, let me start with saying thank you for your critisisum even though it was so unhelpful in the least bit. No one cares if you hated it as much as you do. I know I certainly don't. You claim I don't know how to write? Well How can that be when I am the one with 1 published book, if you care to see the book here's the link http:///product24994.html I hope you enjoy this book a lot better than you enjoyed "Ayame". Secondly, you also claim that I need to read more in order to be a good writer, if you could see my apartment you would see how much I do infact read. I have 2 full book shelves and 1 parcial book shelf full of fantasy, hystory based novels, romance, and science fiction novels, so please do not presume to tell me what I must and mustn't do. Also, you claim I do not know how to write? Just so you know, I just recently graduated Mohawk Collage in the program of "WRiting for Publication" with no mark lower than 86% and currently attending University for Toronto. I know deep down inside, you are just a jealous little man (or woman what ever you are)and you secretly liked the story, other wise you wouldn't have said the things you have said. Next time, why don't you give a proper name so I may thank you personaly and maybe repay the favour by reading a few of yoru stories. Sincerely Your's, Kassandra Duric. |
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