Sonny and Ais
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Joined 10-14-08, id: 634894, Profile Updated: 02-11-16
Author has written 1 story for General.

*SUPER IMPORTANT NOTE!!!* Hi all! This is Ais, from Santino & Ais (we called ourselves Sonny & Ais when we made this account).

The book we partially uploaded here, Evenfall, is actually only the first book in an entire series. THIS SERIES IS FINISHED. You can download the entire series for free at /icos!

The series is called In the Company of Shadows, and the books are, in order:

Evenfall Afterimage Interludes Fade

And then there is an anthology set after Fade called 1/27 (which is the date January 27, not part 1 of 27, FYI to all our non-American friends lol)

We apologize for any inconvenience with you starting to read the series here and then having to read the rest elsewhere, but back in the day we had GRAND DESIGNS to release ICoS (as we call it) over here -- and then it became too much of a hassle and we completely forgot we ever posted the first part of Evenfall.

You can buy paperback copies of Evenfall if you end up liking the book, but we don't have print versions of the rest of the series yet.

Evenfall reviews
SLASH. The first story in the In The Company of Shadows series, Evenfall is about two young men in a post-apocalyptic future who are thrown together by forces beyond their control and struggle to understand their partnership, themselves and each other. **IMPORTANT NOTE! Check our profile for a link to download the rest of the series! It's COMPLETE!**
Fiction: General - Rated: M - English - Drama - Chapters: 13 - Words: 106,388 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 24 - Follows: 15 - Updated: 2/11/2016 - Published: 1/24/2011 - Complete