My Sweet Fear
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Joined 10-14-08, id: 634903, Profile Updated: 12-31-09
Author has written 1 story for Essay.

Hello. I am Sweet Fear and I shall be amusing you for today.

I wonder if you shall continue reading this profile?

Well here's the normal basics that I think you should know;

Call me; Sweet Fear, SF, or Element.

Age;Above 5 years old and below 20.

Gender; Female.

Likes; Long stories, scaring people, drawing, making people feel happy.

Dislikes; Crying, being hated, making someone feel sad.

Food I very much enjoy; Waffles, Salad, Cookies and Tacos.

Food I absolutely abhor with all my heart; Eggs, Vegetables and more Eggs.

Genres of music I like; I like everything except loud metal.

My Favorite Movie of All Time; Lord Of The Rings. I'll give you a hint about me, I was named after one of the characters in the book. Not telling who, though!

And that was it. It's 1 am right now, so I really don't want to write anything else...

though I do enjoy one particular thing; Role Playing. So if anyone wants to RP, just PM me. I don't bite. And though I prefer Yaoi rp a bit more, I'll do het and yuri as well.


Do You Understand What Is reviews
There are always things on this Earth, things that have much deeper meanings than they actually seem to have. These are collections of drabblets that I have drawn that are, what I believe to be, true feelings. Do not flame, I tell you as of now.
Fiction: Essay - Rated: T - English - Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 183 - Reviews: 1 - Follows: 1 - Published: 12/31/2009
Bomee (11)