Astro zombiezzz
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Joined 11-22-08, id: 640429, Profile Updated: 01-31-11
Author has written 2 stories for Supernatural.

I am engaged to my Fiance Justin

i have pretty blue eyes c:
i kiss boys and girls :D
i love everyone c:
i hate to fight but will destroy any one that hurts my friends c:
i keep a journal c:
i love art c:
i draw c:
i wright c:
i take photos c:
i love and wright music c:
Some of my art is on DA -- http:/// C:

Some of the Music i listen to The postal service, Dashboard , My chemical Romance, Mindless self indigents, Coheed & Cambria , J.T , Eminem , 3OH!3, Katy perry, Franz Ferdinand , Avenged Sevenfold , lady gaga , Ashlee Simpson, Heartsdales, MAXIMUM THE HORMONE, Tommy february6, Wierd Al Yankovich, Motion City Soundtrack, Bowling for Soup, Kanye West, anything from Juno, anything from across the universe, or anything from Sweeny Todd, or Repo, Rihanna, nightmare of you, T-pain, lonely islands, T.I, P.C D... c:

Sorry about the hole delay on my Vampire story, dealing with creative block D:

BUT its gone so I'm wrighting ;D

who ever wants to See the Char's of my Vampire story I'll have the link soon :D

hey guys wanna talk to me??

my msn messenger is ... xyourfacex777@

Email me.

and who ever helps me wright the next "the new sexy vampire story in the making" book will win a place in it


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. "Aaron… do you want to enter a world, like no other…" before I answer she covers my mouth and I feel her breath from my ear to my neck. "Cause you're about to…"
Fiction: Supernatural - Rated: M - English - Supernatural/Romance - Chapters: 2 - Words: 4,518 - Published: 10/6/2010
The new Sexy Vampire story in the making reviews
“I can smell it on you” he said his voice was strong, then he took his finger and his thumb and finger placed them on my chin… “What?” I cry. Then he touched my lips with his… “Passion.” …
Fiction: Supernatural - Rated: T - English - Romance/Supernatural - Chapters: 14 - Words: 11,839 - Reviews: 29 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 7 - Updated: 6/2/2010 - Published: 7/3/2009
Manager of:
Community: THE NEW "sexy Vampire story in the making"
Focus: Fiction Sci-Fi