Author has written 3 stories for Romance. This site caught my eye and I loved it. The people on this site are seriously creative! I'd rather not tell you my exact age as some people tend to think that your age limits what you should be allowed to write about. Like the age in years makes you understand anything anymore that someone who's been alive for years. It's kind of like it's not the size that counts, but the motion in the ocean? get it? Hope you do. ;) I am a teenager though. In school. An art school. Here ares ome qoutes that I like Real eyes, Realize, Real lies. And "Looking back, I have this to regret, that too often when I loved, I did not say so." - James Baldwin Poems like Robert frost and... I walked a mile with Pleasure. I walked a mile with Sorrow, -Robert Browning Hamilton Now let's see. I'm not a perfect writer and I do make mistakes but that doesn't mean that I don't learn from them and try to make them better. I respect those who make mistakes, except it, fix it, and most importantly move on. I write because I love to write and don't know what I would do if I couldnt' unload every once and awhile. This website just happens to let me do that. One day I do hope to write so I'm not going to put forth every idea I have but that doesn't mean I won't put my heart into everything I write. If you see an error in my writing I would love if you could point it out so I could fix it. That doesn't mean I'll be wanting to see Full Blown Flames for reviews. I appreciate constructive criticism and would never intentionally outright rudely Flame the work that someone took their time to write for their enjoyment and for the enjoyment of others. With that being said I do make the effort to review the stories I read because I think everyone deserves it. If I point out anything good or bad please don't worry I like you, I really do and I'm just paying attention because I like what your writing. I would like to say I read everything but I don't. It's hard for me to read Hardcore Fluff, it sort of make's me want to bash my head on the screen repeatedly...which is why I tend to avoid it. I tend to read more of the dark writings and romance. Put one or (two!) together and I'll probably find it, and read it :) Always looking for suggestions on stories to read and new people to talk to:) I'm friendly promise! |