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Joined 01-15-09, id: 649107, Profile Updated: 06-29-11

What Up! my name is Hannah. i want to be a writer one day but there's nothing really creative of my own in my little brain. would really like to come up with a story that i actually came up with. you know the whole characters plot locations etc. i write moslty fanfiction. i feel that those are easiers then coming up with someting of my own. Probably because the characters already have their personalities made and locations and yadda yadda yadda. all i have to do is come up with a plot and then that's it. ok enough boring you with the background of be being a writer. let me tell you some stuff about me

Favorite TV Shows: iCarly, Secrect Life Of The American Teenager, Glee, Pretty LIttle Liars, Victorious, Cold Case, That 70's Show, and many more

Favorite Movies: John Tucker Must Die, You've Got Mail, Pretty In Pink, Help!, A Hard Day's Life, The Last Song, Hairspray, and many more

Favorite Music: 30 Seconds to Mars, Flyleaf, Fireflight, Reilent K, Skillet, Switchfoot, The Beatles, Paramore, Evanescene, Jennette McCurdy, Snow Patrol, Silversun Pickups, and many more

anything else you should know about me? well i'm in marching band. (which btw is sooooo much fun i love it) i play the alto sax. i'm going to be a freshman this fall. anything else? oh yeah well i'm anti- social. i don't make friends very easy. i can't start a conversation. most of you would probably say to talk about stuff that i like and find people who like the same things that i do. but that doesn't work either because no one likes anything that i like and even people who like the stuff that i like, they still don't like to talk to me. ok is there anything else you should know about me? nope i think that's pretty much it.

COMING SOON: Farewells- so i guess this is going to be about two people falling in love and things get complicated. just your average teen love story

Eskimo Kiss by SWEETXXSUGARXXANGEL reviews
School bad-ass Jai Forner barely had three sentences out before he landed shy girl Riley Jones in detention. These events formed a glitch in the staus quo and everything was changing for Riley.
Fiction: Young Adult - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 29 - Words: 44,741 - Reviews: 40 - Favs: 42 - Follows: 10 - Updated: 7/3/2010 - Published: 6/26/2010 - Complete