Author has written 3 stories for Supernatural, Romance, and Essay. Hi y'all! So... yeah, I really don't write much. lol. I fail miserably at updating so don't expect much from me, ever. I just go through phases in which tons of stuff gets done and then i drop off the face of the earth. Not literally of course. :) I mainly have an account to read people's work and comment on it. There are SO MANY good stories on fp, they just have to be found. Unfortunately there are also a lot of not so good work, but hey, that's what this is all about, progressing as a writer, if that's what you want to do, and I'll be totally honest with you when it comes to your work. And hopefully you don't take offense to that, because I never meant it as a bad thing. Basic Facts: Name: no-ones-puppet or Michelle, whichever works Schooling: currently attending classes for a BS in political science and a BA in history Likes: sharpies, friends, insane amounts of music at increasingly higher volumes, cute boys, books, fanficition and original fiction, iPods, glasses, concerts of crazy musicians/bands that are way to cool to be played on mainstream radio, Panera bread, smoothies, piercings, slash fiction, good grammar (even in text messages- it's just super sexy) Dislikes: ignorant, hypocritical, homophobic, or racist people, direct sunlight (I've got really sensitive eyes), traffic, bad drivers, Twi-hards, lines, buying textbooks for school (they're fucking expensive), being late, writing things about myself ANYTHING ELSE... feel free to ask I guess. Doesn't mean I'll answer it but ehh... you can always try. :) -nop |
Aggy Bird (3) | EmptyAccount1 (0) |