Author has written 4 stories for Horror, Life, and Love. On October eighteenth, not quite so long ago, a child was born. Little did the parents of this not-quite-so-precious child realize the agony she was to put them through. Countless nights and endless days of crying and feeding and diaper changing slowly turned into a little monster glutton, consuming every food item in the house including the potting soil. Later on in life, this baby girl became a blossoming teenager, full of woe and self pity as they all are. Her parents did not know what to do with her so they told her to put it into words. Not so unfortunately, that girl was me and these are my stories. Most have been inspired by my dreams; many may be considered nightmares to many of you, but to this girl, they are beauties waiting to be unravelled. Anyway, yea. Most of these will just be descriptive stories, and many will never be completed. I have commitment issues. |
AlexiaNickelz (4) |