Author has written 8 stories for Romance, and Historical. NOTE: 2018 = ... This is my old profile from 2010: LaGrid. Any french enthusiasts will spot the La in that immediately. Yes, I do have french roots and yes I've lived there longer than a year. But I'm a Briton at heart XDXD DO I hate Twilight or think it's the Queen's ass (peachy, in other words..)? Neither. My BF hates Edward with a passion because he's too "perfect" My response: Since when do you call a 17-year-old virgin with an inability to get laid for a century, "perfect"? BF: No, it's not's just that he's so good-looking, and nice, and so sickeningly thoughtful...He would be shit in WWE. ( I have no idea what's so appealing about beefy men wrestling, believe you me...and I think she was kinda forgetting in the heat of the moment, that Edward does have the strength of twenty odd mountain lions so poof, there goes her theory...XDXD) My response: So, you want to be treated like shit, is that it? And to cut a minor disagreement short, yes, my BF of five years, would prefer to be treated like shit, than a princess (something about making her "uncomfortable") and so in rebellion has joined TEAM JACOB... Which to me is like: NOOOO!! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING, WOMAN?! Am a bigger Harry Potter fan though, but I'm not like a obsessee or anything. Once I stumbled onto Mugglenet, and I was so freaked out about their depth of knowledge about the books that I made a pact that I would read as much books as possible without lingering on a particular set and dedicating my life to it, because although that's really awesome, it's really freaky too. My geography teacher sucks. She is so rude! Do you know how surprised she was when I managed to get an A in my test?! She actually even asked me "how do I do it" which I charmingly responded with a fake smile and the mental image of a bull ramming it's horns up her- BEEEEEEEEEP- (content edited for any possible minors lurking around.) Feel free to drop me a review anytime, it'd make my day!! XDXD Favourite quote of the moment: Marriage is like a war, where you get to sleep with the enemy. (Lois Lane, Smallville) |