Author has written 3 stories for Romance, and Fantasy. Upcoming Stories/Chapters (The dates are always subject to change. Sometimes it will be earlier and sometimes it may be later.): (April 20, 2012) - Oh boy, how the time has flown. As you probably know I have not updated a story in quite some time. For those who have waited and waited, I want to apologize. I had a lot of changes happen to me in the past year. And I have bad news: I got a new computer...and I kind of sort of don't have a copy of Hearts and Fist. Don't stone me! D: Truth be told, I barely have time to write anymoreseven though I miss it so much. So, I'm not promising to add any new stories ( but I have ideas for maybe SHORT stories? ) but I would like to announce that Hearts and Fists will most likely forever be on a hiatus because I don't feel like rewriting everything that I had - even if I did it wouhabit have been the way I wanted it. Also, I apologize for typos. Blame my iPhone. -.- |