My real name is Meghan. I have oodles of nicknames, the most recent (and often used) of which is Meg, Meggie, or Megz, although that was what my "best" friend called me and I'm not sure if I want to be called that anymore. Let's stick to Meg/Meggie, 'kay? My entire world basically revolves around these three things: books, reading them/writing, and cheerleading. Yup, I'm a Varsity Cheerleader and I'm damn proud of it. I'm not like the other cheerleaders and if anyone tries to say I am, they don't know me at all. I'm 16-years-old (finally) and I'm a Junior now (yay!). That means that I'm graduating in 2011 and that's much better than 2010! (A sort of inside joke, ask and it shall be explained. Don't and don't care about it then) I'm often sarcastic. It's a form of entertainment for me. I tend to get angry over little things but that's what happens when you are the oldest of five kids. Thus, I have an EXTREMELY short fuse. But I'm really VERY shy and I am fun to hang out with once you get past that, I'm told. I believe that life is short. I had two little sister that did not live to even see 1 and that is more than enough cause for me to believe that, I think. Life is not something you should throw away easily and you should live every moment like the next will be your last. Laughter is the best source of medicine. It cures everything. If you have a relationship and believe it to be wonderful but your significant other can't make you laugh, there's nothing there. Trust me. Life gets hard and more then likely, it already is. Without the ability to laugh when times get hard, you'll probably go mad. I absolutely love my family. My mom is one of my biggest heros. I tell her everything. I consider my friends to be family. Like I said, I'm the oldest of five kids. But that's not the extent of it. I have an older half-brother who is 30. His name is Shawn. The next in line is my half-sister Heather, who has an adorable daughter named Gabriella that just turned 3. Then is Me, my sister Kayla, Ryan, Paige, and Leah. I love them all to death, even if they annoy me. I have a dog named Patches that is a little older than my sister Paige, who is 7. She is a chihauhau/terrier mix and is mostly white with "PATCHES" of black. lol. I have a cat named Cotton who is white and she's slightly retarded. They say that pets reflect their owners... In a way, I hope they are wrong on that! I am a regular Heinz 47. I'm mostly Irish and German, although I'm not 100 proud of the German side... I have a little English, Welsh, and Austrian in me. My dad says I have a great-great-grandmother or something like that who is full-blooded Native American. I also am Pennsylvanian Dutch and Czech-Slovakian. There's probably a lot more than that, but whatever. I am afraid of heights. I prefer to be firmly on the ground. I HATE insects, especially mosquitos (because they seem to love ME too much...) and spiders because...well, because they're creepy. I'm actually a little afraid of the dark. Or rather, I'm afraid of what's INSIDE the dark. I absolutely DESPISE lies and people that speak them. They destroy. I love movies and listening to music. I like all kinds of genres of movies, except the really REALLY nasty movies that are too gory and stuff. I don't particulary like rap music, but there's some of that I actually like, too. I HATE blues. They give me the chills. I have tons of allergies and I'm also asthmatic. I always seem to be sick or have a permanent cold. I'm pretty sure almost everyone in my family has allergies. My sister Kayla took it a step further this year... She had about 3 or so seizures and the doctors have absolutely no idea why. It may just be seizure disorder. But as a result of that, I can't stand hearing jokes about them or even reading them. It's a serious condition and really very scary. I definitely think that if you find them funny, you need to see one. It scared the shit out of my dad when he saw his first one (a day when he was actually home and my sister had to stay home from school 'cause she had a migraine, the first sign she might have one). On the 26th, I (finally) started going out with my neighbor... Chris. It's cool. Sunday is definetly a special day. Anyways, yeah. I'm super trying to read the Da Vinci Code, but I probably won't get to that until school starts...and I need to start on my "Summer Reading list" a.k.a. "August Reading list" lolz. So I'll also be reading either A Seperate Peace, Huckleberry Finn, and/or The Glass Menagerie. That's all just in case I am put into Honors English 11, which I should be, but that system sucks. Also, I think I'm reading either Matthew or something else in the Bible, but I'm not sure. I just finished reading Beka Cooper: Terrier. I have just succeeded in wasting your time! XD Well, I've just read the first chapter of a story that I really loved that I've read before and I'm sad to say that I learned that the girl who wrote it was plagarized. It really pisses me off that stuff like that happens. A word to all those who would do that to ANYONE: You're obviously not talented enough to write anything original of your own, so stop thinking you can steal the work of more talented people. If this isn't the case and you're merely not confidant enough in your own abilities, than I'm sorry, but you'll just have to get over yourself. Stories All that other shit I had on here has been deleted. I figure when I actually start writing a story, then I will put up the information. Not information about stories that I THINK I might be writing. I've recently had this idea for a story concerning the Salem Witch Trials, but that might be a while in writing. I might write some stupid cliches until then... We shall see. 08/24/09 Monday: I have decided to try to do a story NOW. School starts Wednesday and it's getting me a little bit excited. The thing is is that I want this story to be worth the time: in both my writing it and your reading it. I'm setting off on a journey now to write it (it's 12:00) and I'ma begin with outlining it. Let's see when I get the first chapter up, shall we? Random Info. Interfering With Life: Schools starts the 26th! I have to get my hair cut Saturday apparently. I'm going to my Church Saturday to get some school crap. Sunday = Church. Going school shopping Monday. School = Wednesday. Football Games = Every Friday, bitch! Yayz! Cheerleading practice = random intervals. Life = Every freaking day. account: Livejournal account: http:/// Aim: ramblerchrldr11 I do have a Twitter but haven't been on it in a while, due to loosing the password and whatever... I also have a Facebook but I hate it so whatever. Haha, I just wasted a few minutes of your time! ... Gomen nasai! |
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