Author has written 79 stories for Life, Love, General, Religion, Work, Friendship, Humor, and Family. Don't make the universe regret you. -Instructions for a Body by Marty McConnell Isca, quite possibly everyone's favorite poet. I have a habit of responding to reviews with complete and total honesty, and giving a background to the poem in question. Ask Punslinger, I do it to him all the time. My screenname for AIM is JessiNekoChan. I'm not on much any more but, feel free to add me if you want to talk or just read my awesome away messages. I used to have a myspace, now I just keep it for the blog I wrote while working a shitty job and to vent when one of my friends ran away. If you want to read works in progress or just want to read less formal more blog style poetry Dysphoria is the place to be. I always meant to start a new thread called Cyclothymia, but Dysphoria just stuck. I gave in and now am the proud(?) owner of a facebook. Also, A shout out to surroundedANDalone for her Marshmallow-esque stories that never fail to make me squee. |
403 Forbidden (113) alwayslow (0) Amaury (23) Annie Jadin (15) | Isca (0) kit feral (14) lucretiabaine (26) mate.feed.kill.repeat (495) | natmarie (0) Punslinger (0) qubed (105) savexkill (0) |